
半島電視台的Sara Khairat報道。



  1. I see a lot of comments about being shocked but this isn't something new. DKDTV news dived deeper into this. Korea has been having these types of "scandals"/ gross cases pop up every now and then for quite some time now. The JJY /burning sun scandal and this is just the tip of iceburg and these cases show that no one is innocent not even your oppas(in case of JJY/burning sun chat rooms). What's sad is from the international fan community these things are often ignored and overlooked due to the obsession over the cookie-cutter/squeaky clean manufactured image of kpop or percieved korean culture globally. People fail to realise korean culture is very image-based, whats on the outside matters the most even when it comes to everyday normal citizens. Your devious, selfish, immoral,rude… traits have to be masked by the obedient, respectful, kind and considerate image that every korean has to force onto themselves. You think k- celebs/idols are always that happy, kind, respectful and patient in real life? They are human so no is the answer. A lot of the times it has to be fake, staged,(even those exaggerated, cute, "funny", reactions on variety shows) , and some idols after leaving their groups or not being famous anymore have admitted to this, because thats what sells and brings popularity and monetary value to that person's image. Everyone is media-trained/ image trained from the get-go, from an early age. If not you don't get very far in the cut-throat korean society that values your outer appearance and your selling point over the beauty inside you. Everything comes down to image and money. Thats why the suicide rate is so high in modern korea,its a society/culture that promotes mass production of empty shells instead of real people . The korean people are victims to their own regressive society and the frustration is seen in their public now more than ever.

  2. It』s truly disgusting! How many people actually watched this, and continued to support his actions were absolutely ??( I cant describe any other words bc I』m so upset). People literally paid money for these wrongdoings. Yet people are trying to cover up this incident. People don』t understand the embarrassment, pain, and overall emotions they went through. It』s traumatizing yet people liked this as entertainment. What goes on in this society is disgusting, what right do women have? Huh?

  3. Solo tengo una cosa que decir…

    (enserio chic@s si algunos de sus idol favs está involucrado en esta porquería, hay que demandarlos!! piensen en los daños que causaron y no se dejen cegar por su fanatismo,

  4. lol his neck is hurt, did somebody attack him because of what he did??? His head and neck seem to be hurt like he got some accident

  5. I'm so disgraceful. SK's penalty of sexual assault is veryveryveeeeeeeeeery light. A person who spreaded 1675 video and photo of rape was demanded three and a half years in prison. girls less than ten years old in the videos…..

  6. I really think government already knew this way before. That much of vitctims involved, there gonna be someone report it. Also, that much of subscribers,.there is no way none of them.reported it or at least dead gave it away.

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