



  1. British, please wash your hearts with the Blood of Jesus Christ and not your hands. That will save you from Dying and stop being Naive about the effectiveness of the Blood of Jesus Christ and what it can do. Water will not heal you nor prevent the Virus from catching up with you. A leader without Jesus Christ is Deadly. Because all he says has nothing to do with God. he always exempt God from his Speech, and that is Deadly.

  2. When I talked with European people, I felt that they did not have enough knowledge of Asia and its history. If you chose the economic fusion between UK and CH, another chaos would come again. From Japan.

  3. Disgusting absolutely disgusting and I hope your head's are gonna roll when the truth comes out. Because we the people are not taking the lies anymore from any of you luciferian puppets. You think we're stupid out here but we can connect the dots to you…..

  4. Heard from my neighbour yesterday evening when we was all having a Barbeque I invited my family round and friends, that the woman across the road from us died last week (RIP), she was elderly had beaten cancer twice, had Parkinsons , Dementia and was aged 95 and unfortunately died from a fall , But it was put down as Coronavirus. The poor old girl couldn't even spell it let alone have it.

  5. Not the slightest bit interested in anything the government has to say now about covid 19…. as they've proved they got it wrong and has failed this country BIG TIME..I also think the true death figure is more like 55,000 not 31,000…God help us…

  6. How about we just forget about all this bullshit, and get the fuck back to normal, Open everything as before , stop all this social distancing , staying indoors bollox, Lets all get back to work and back to normal. People you need to realise, stop being frightened , do not believe everything you hear or see. You will not get Coronavirus if you walk to the end of your road, or at the supermarket or seeing your dear old Mum, There is NOT a police car down the road waiting to pounce on you , should you need to go out. You won't "Self Combust" when you walk out your front gate, I drove in excess of 140 miles yesterday just for a day out and did not see one solitary policeman/patrol car. What I did see was coastal towns packed with people enjoying themselves not giving a fuck, and yes they are all alive today. We are the United Kingdom NOT North Korea. 30,000, 99.9% with underlying ailments, old age , cancer .etc

  7. So far, this first patient with this virus was just recorded officially and publicly in WUHAN, CHINA, but it doesn't mean China is the home of this virus. Many things related to this virus still remain unclear. By the way, it is a catastrophe, not a political trick.

  8. Just before all this happened I felt as if I was on fire from inside out. I had a rash under breasts and armpits. I was soaked in sweat at night. I am 69 years old and doctor told me it was my age. Rash left after a couple of weeks and I'm OK. My red blood cells were enlarged apparently. Don't know what that means.

  9. Strange how Doris met some foreign official in Cheshire in Novemberr and then all of a sudden in December, flights from China start coming in and this shit kicks off. Not the least bit planned, was it, eh, Doris? Premeditated murder of a population is against all laws, you know!

  10. Look at how he takes care of himself, always looks like he got out of bed… and people expect this guy to lead the nation during its worst crisis……

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