
副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)的新聞秘書,特朗普總統的高級顧問斯蒂芬·米勒(Stephen Miller)的丈夫凱蒂·米勒(Katie Miller)在上周五表現出癥狀後,對冠狀病毒的檢測呈陽性。官員說,便士測試陰性。米勒是本周第二位測試陽性的白宮工作人員。 NBC的Kelly O』Donnell報道「今日周末」。



#Coronavirus #TodayShow


  1. The White House is a disgrace smfh…They say cover up maintain distance but here's Pence not wearing masks around people with covid then visiting others…He most likely is spreading the virus everywhere he goes…Such a False sense of security coming out of the White House wow!

  2. May Jesus christ be with you and protect you.. Psalms 91.14 God says "I will save those who love me and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord".
    God bless you..Keep up the great work you are doing , in the fight against Covid19. God bless you Pence.

  3. stephen miller.AKA Satan…….should try …trumps corona virus recipe..inject Lysol…. and shoved a UV light up his rectum orifice while standing under a windmill..now most likely it will clean his lungs and the white house to..?

  4. Why is the US government pushing the crazy your going to die from the virus even harder when the President and States Governors are wanting to put citizens to work,it's almost as if the US has two different governments the Federal Government, employees are pushing the virus lie in every government Department behind the Administrations back CDC, Medicare, SSA, and many more promoting the lie of Covid 19 that kills less than one percent of all those who get it , this is politics and another coup attempt behind the scenes by pro socialistic minded elected officials and Government Employees that would see our economy fail! The 70 thousand deaths is a lie counting flu deaths as covid, flu kills between 60 and 80 thousand Americans every year we are being lied to again ,don't have to be a genius to figure this out

  5. It's not a Plague Dr. Lysol. Plague is caused by a bacteria. Covid-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease and obviously its caused by a virus.

  6. Could it be possible that this is a direct attack on a President that has shown to be able to work and make America great independent of hit after hit, after hit. Truth be, you have to be a fool not to consider those options or at least know that every coin has two sides. If one really chooses not to even contemplate simple facts and only follow like sheep without brains it lends it self to the state what we are on, brother against brother like the civil war this has to stop.

  7. She caught it from CNN staff that went to Wuhan China and brought the virus back. Ban all CNN employees from White House and press conferences.

  8. CORONAVIRUS POSITIVE = Caught red handed. This MSM propaganda is so old news. We are onto you. Pray to God for your soul because you are on the side of EVIL
    and we are the Disiples of Jesus Christ, and he ALWAYS wins

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