15分鐘精彩101:重製切換遊戲| PAX東2020

請參閱《 PAX East 2020》在Nintendo Switch上運行的《 The Wonderful 101:Remastered》的直接遊戲玩法。

白金遊戲公司正準備回歸最受歡迎的基於團隊的英雄爭霸者,《奇妙的101》。在眾籌網站Kickstarter上大獲成功之後,《鉑金》備受喜愛的遊戲重製版將英雄角色扮演遊戲帶入PC ,PS4和Nintendo Switch。您將繼續專註於招募公民組成超級英雄大隊,與您的英雄大軍一起,以各種英雄般的技能和能力與外星人入侵進行戰鬥,以奇怪而又令人興奮的方式將您的團隊召集在一起。

在2020年東PAX大會上,我們有機會親手體驗了Nintendo Switch上的The Wonderful 101 Remastered。在上面的遊戲中,您將看到我們將英雄帶到大街上,與一群外星入侵者對峙。英雄們除了揮舞著巨大的拳頭和其他奇異的建築外,還共同解決了難題,並擊落了外星人部隊中最致命的戰士。 《 Wonderful 101 Remastered》將於5月19日發行,這不僅是長期粉絲在新平台上重新投入遊戲的機會,而且還使新用戶可以看到Platinum鮮為人知的遊戲的有趣之處。

  1. I ignored this shitty crap of game at the time of its release. And I will ignore this 1:1 Port (sorry but there is no difference between the two Versions visible) too…. If Nintendo isn't goint to wake up they will have to close their factory within 10 years

  2. Can someone please explain the concept of this game to me I'm a bit confused is it multiplayer or why does it have so many characters

  3. Really wished they added full coop for the main story mode; especially if they were willing to feature a dual screen mode (which would have been go for splitscreen coop on the fly; with whole scree coop if desired).

  4. Even though having a Wii U i missed out on this since most of my time was dedicated to PS3. Will be getting this on the PS4 and then eventually on Switch. Looking great!

  5. I really can't wait for this game. I always wanted to play it ever since it first came out in 2013 but never got a Wii U to play it. I DO own a Switch though and will happily pick this up on launch day

  6. Can someone explain the appeal this game has it looks confusing to me even tho I donated for the Kickstarter cause I support platinum regardless ?

  7. the odd green-ish hue is because of the capture card i would assume? i am getting the pc version anyways but its still pretty noticable

  8. Already it runs better than it did on the Wii U. Wii U had so many framedrops once the action started picking up. Plus, the two screen sections are already handled better than Wii U now that the gamepad is gone.

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