首次正式PS5遊戲!新的Playstation 5遊戲演示(4K)

首次正式發布Playstation 5遊戲-新的PS5圖形遊戲演示!
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Epic Games今天宣布了其遊戲引擎的虛幻引擎5(UE5)的下一個迭代版本,並在PlayStation 5上運行了精美的演示。完全可以使用UE5等創意工具,並能夠最大限度地利用索尼PS5和Microsoft Xbox X系列中的新硬體和軟體。而Epic一直在推動一切發展的前沿。」首席執行官Tim Sweeney告訴The Verge。 「我們的目標不僅是為開發人員帶來更多功能。當前遊戲開發中最困難的問題是製作高質量的遊戲需要大量時間和成本。因此,我們希望使開發人員的生活更輕鬆,更高效。」為了展示UE5的功能,Epic匯總了一個在開發人員版本的PS5硬體上運行的演示,並捕獲了輸出。結果顯示出令人難以置信的視覺質量,再加上細節和逼真的照明,Epic承諾將提供其新工具。 Epic首席技術官Kim Libreri表示:「下一代遊戲機將給消費者帶來巨大的飛躍,而UE5是最重要的飛躍。」

?以與我相同的方式來捕捉您的遊戲玩法! ?http://e.lga.to/DalekJD

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在GFUEL用代碼「 Dalek」獲得整個訂單30%的折扣!
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  1. I』m really worried about this I am excited to see this but hopefully games don』t get too realistic I really think games are much more fun with good looking graphics but not too real idk I』ll see what this brings to the new consoles

  2. Also another thing to point out I didn't see her mouth move even once I wonder how the facial geometry is and whether it's more realistic or if it says jerky as her arms and hands movements

  3. Am I the only one that thinks that 1 her movements are a little jerky 2 I'm getting a lot of Ray scavenger on jakku vibes and 3 this is the big one any Stargate fans out there do you see it Sony just ripped off Stargate lol

  4. To All the people saying it would probably run better on the XBOX series X ??- they could probably push the detail a bit & by a bit I mean a little (nothing too crazy) cuz of the raw extra compute power the Xbox sx has but they wouldn't have the wide reach & the far view of what the ps5 (which is a lot more important than slightly better detail) could do because it has a super-fast SSD & almost removes load times, which the series X would be limited by.

  5. Finally some genuine next gen graphics footage running and playable in real-time on an actual next generation console. Now imagine how insane first party PS5 games from the likes of ND and Guerrila are going to look! ?

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