觀看全文:鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)的三步計劃旨在緩解英國的封鎖|新冠病毒

鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)宣布首次放寬鎖定規則,包括無限制運動,運動和重返工作崗位,以及「 Covid警報系統」


有關Johnson的「 Covid警報系統」的詳細信息,請單擊此處:https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/boris-johnson-speech-live-end-lockdown-watch-coronavirus -地址/

Telegraph.co.uk和YouTube.com/TelegraphTV是英國最暢銷的優質日報The Telegraph的網站,提供有關英國和世界事件,商業,體育,生活方式和文化的新聞和分析。

  1. I dont see myself catching this disease and im not about to risk catching it. I will stay a home. And watch these idiots going back to work catch it

  2. Telegraph, noted the likes greatly increased quickly ???. It is about what the public want not whatthe government wants, government needs to start realising that. The country is the people not the establishment.

  3. typical leftist media hacks…
    LYING to the general public to push their false narrative & rewriting history as it happens…
    Sweden: NO lockdown = same results as locked down UK…
    UK has no BORDER enforcement & leaks illegals like a sieve, with NO checks whatsoever… numbers are bogus, models have been debunked, so-called "experts" are globalist propagandists & this farce is about to be EXPOSED for the contrived manufactured act of WAR against free citizens worldwide that it is… this has NEVER been about health… it has ALWAYS been about who's in CONTROL… let the tribunals for treason begin & the guilty be dispatched publically with extreme prejudice… "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson
    watch for FREE only until May 24:
    "Agenda: Grinding America Down"

  4. Tell the truth bj tell the people it's all planned to bring in mandatory vacancies, chips, cashless society plus of course cripple the economy 😉 maybe the masses don't realise yet but plenty of us do see through this bs. REAL EYES REALISE REAL LIES!

  5. Johnson is an incompetent fat-faced buffoon.
    Why on earth did the Telegraph get to know the bumbling twit's new confused advice before parliament?
    Johnson's shambolic response to this crisis has cost thousands of lives.

  6. This is risky, the way this this virus spreads, I'm worried it will be 'give them and inch, they take a mile', if we start soft reopenings happen too soon. It's a catch 22 really because this really comes at an economical cost, but at the end of the day saving lives is whats important.

  7. Public needs more clarity vision than this bring some truth so people public can make sensible plans to avoide people and can meet with families etc

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