這些犯人是否試圖受到感染? | 2020年5月12日的冠狀病毒新聞

洛杉磯縣警長說,犯人可能試圖給自己冠狀病毒感染。警長亞歷克斯·維拉紐埃娃(Alex Villanueva)展示了囚犯共享杯子,碗和口罩的監視錄像。這些人為什麼要嘗試獲得潛在的致命疾病?維拉紐耶娃說:「如果囚犯測試呈陽性,他們會誤以為有辦法強迫我們,並以某種方式將更多囚犯從監獄環境中釋放出來。」 「那將不會發生。」

  1. They heard wrong. Just because it happened with tekashi 69 (daniel hernandez) who is a famous celebrity (even though I didn't know who he was until the corona era) doesn't mean it will happen for everyone. Everytime a celebrity gets away with something it just tells me that everyone should become a celebrity and there will little to no consequences, money can buy almost anything, even freedom. Tekashi had a good lawyer. I guess the inmates heard about tekashi and got confused to the point of wanting to infect themselves.

  2. Lettttem… do it..less tax money for us…sorry. but' I'm sick I can escape. They to damn to Care or they just dont.. get it. Give it to them if the prison wants it. Then tell them no way out. You done… granny comes 1st..

  3. lol. keep their asses locked still. very stupid of them especially if they don't know it's based on their crimes to be released out early but most don't care ??‍♀️

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