安東尼·福西(Anthony Fauci)在參議院冠狀病毒聽證會上作證-5/12(現場直播)

福奇將於5月12日在參議院就美國政府對冠狀病毒大流行的反應進行遠程作證。加入郵報的Libby Casey以及記者Yasmeen Abutaleb,Rhonda Colvin和James Hohmann進行分析。


白宮阻止福奇在眾議院小組委員會調查冠狀病毒的爆發和反應之前作證,理由是在參加政府對大流行病的反應期間,這種現象「適得其反」。了解更多:https://www.washingtonpost.com/coronavirus/。特價:感謝您的支持,以下是《華盛頓郵報》數字訂閱的一項交易:一年$ 29美元,網址為http://washingtonpost.com/youtubeoffer。



  1. How did Faucci know that there would be a pandemic during this administration in 2017 unless he knew that a virus was going to be unleashed? This virus was patented in 2003 and taken to China during the Obama administration probably the reason Joe Biden Son Hunter received 1 billion dollars from China. This has not killed more than the 2017 flu. So are we going to destroy this nation based on this……?

  2. Can people see through this man?
    We aren't going to die from the virous we are going to die from a lot of other things. Plus the destruction of the u.s.a.
    I wish those phonies to shut up with their lies.

  3. I find it funny that all these 「So called leaders」 where on break when the bulk of this was going down: why aren』t you asking the governors of the state you represent what they need and where can I help? These people that are hear to testify, I can name everyone but yet some of you brow beaters, I didn』t know you exist

  4. Recovered numbers? For what? So you can continue to marginalize the threat this virus poses? You want to know the number of people that we know that have tested positive, and then recovered? So a subset of a subset. We already know that the known cases are only a fragment of the actual, so what good is that number when so many go untested. It's a useless metric to be politicized on either side. Testing is, and always had been the first hurdle. Once we have that under control, all the other numbers start to be more accurate and meaningful.

  5. Watching Trump live right now and right away he lies and blames, slagging off other people instead of taking responsibility, he is meant to be talking to these guys in a factory because of the very important masks people need, the factory workers have been sitting doing nothing.
    He is a sick boy, I say boy because he acts like a child, mostly when someone asks a question that he can't answer, more sick is the way he talks to ladies, it is disgusting, he lies and his supporters love him for it which may say something about the people that support him. Lied so many times, how can his supporters vote for him.
    Trump is totally making a mock of the science and sientist, he really think he knows better. He is protected and tested every day while he asks u to get to work without testing. I would say he treats u like cattle but his supporters love him for it, may be u are cattle.
    To his supporters, no one knows about this but 1+1=5, everyone says this.
    I like to think u supporters ain't that dump so I like to look at it as though he has u under a spell.
    He calls Americans soldiors warriors, fights, but yet he skipped a snaked his way out of Vietnam, while ur kids fight.
    He is a horrid c__t and its all coming down around him, his tax records will be looked at soon. He and is mates are bleeding the USA dry.

  6. A public hearing with the top health professionals in the country and senators only have 5 min to ask questions. This is a joke. I understand lengthy political statements are a concern, but a senator should have more time to ask important questions.


  8. Fauci wants you locked in your home so you never find out he is a fraud. He works for china bill gates and big pharma. Look at the states and countries who never locked down. They are the same!!! They wished you would die more that』s why they funnel you into walmart

  9. After reading the comments below, Americans don't trust their government or their scientists. I think they should just "let it rip" as we say here in Australia. Let the cards fall where they will. Its a pandemic. There are no politics about it. It doesn't even matter. from that perspective, where it came from. 3% of those who get it will die and if that's ok with them, then "let it rip". Do Americans think the 1918 flu pandemic was also some kind of conspiracy? These things happen. Its probably too inconvenient for them in 2020.

  10. The Senator says he "thinks". He means he "hopes". Its not Fauci's fault. All he can do is talk about the health implications. Its not his fault that the health facts conflict with the economics of it all. Americans have a choice: open the economy (which will be sick at the very best) or have so many deaths it will be unbearable (which by the way, will also mean the economy will destroyed)

  11. Too much power given to Fauci. Fake, political narrative that 2.2 million Americans would die and the "only" way was to force everyone to give up their freedoms. Not true. Recommendations, advice, … all welcome. Totalitarianism is not welcome in the USA.

  12. It all logically makes sense what Capitol Hill, and Washington is saying at this time in society. Trump is a disaster, an unfit NOT qualified for the job person!

  13. The real political grandstanding seems to be by the reporters relying on conveniently edited sound bites. Just report the freakin news. No one cares about a reporter who is only stating their OPINION.

  14. What do you mean… Covid 16 Dr Fauci? You tried to correct it but this virus has ONLY been called Covid 19! That wasn't just a mistake… your mistake was thinking we wouldn't catch on. Listen for yourselves… 2:05:50

  15. The senate not even aware, they have a traitor in their midst

    Fauci who coocked up/weaponized the covid-19 virus in wuhan  china:

    After the oktober 2014 US ban on 
    monster-germ research (under which Corona-bat-virus research (which is manipulation: to make a virus more deadly and infectious) for reasons deemed too dangerous and a too high risk for a pandemic.
    (moratorium op GOF in 2014)

    Fauci illegaly outsourced/subsidized to the tune of  3.7 million dollar this
    monster-germ research (under which Corona-bat-virus research) to a Wuhan lab in china( 2015).

    This same Fauci, budd boy of mad- pseudo scientist Bill Gates, having received from college dropout billy boy grants to the tune of 100 of millions of dollars is now giving advise on how to handle this virus crisis.

    What a hypocrit….telling years in advance under Obama that the next administration (i.e. theTrump administration) would be faced with a pandemic.

  16. The senate not even aware, they have a traitor in their midst

    Fauci who coocked up/weaponized the covid-19 virus in wuhan  china:

    After the oktober 2014 US ban on 
    monster-germ research (under which Corona-bat-virus research (which is manipulation: to make a virus more deadly and infectious) for reasons deemed too dangerous and a too high risk for a pandemic.
    (moratorium op GOF in 2014).

    Fauci illegaly outsourced/subsidized to the tune of  3.7 million dollar this
    monster-germ research (under which Corona-bat-virus research) to a Wuhan lab in china( 2015).

    This same Fauci, budd boy of mad-pseudo scientist Bill Gates, having received from college dropout billy boy grants to the tune of 100 of millions of dollars is now giving advise on how to handle this virus crisis.

    What a hypocrit….telling years in advance under Obama that the next administration (i.e. theTrump administration) would be faced with a pandemic .

  17. A bunch of lawyers wasting time asking leading questions. We need those four Scientists to prepare a one hour presentation of what they think is important and put it on TV without any politicians. No News Agencies. One Hour Prime Time Scientists Only.

  18. 「You can take a mild form and give a person that mild form, and they don't really get sick. They develop the antibodies, and that's the theory [behind vaccination]. But there are reasons that they like to create those super viral forms. One is, most of the labs where they do it, like Fort Detrick in [the U.S.] and Wuhan lab in China, are not only vaccine labs but they're also military labs.

    So, they want to mess around and look at these viruses that they may be able to weaponize. Not only that, the people who are creating vaccines like to create super viral forms. They give them to mice who have been genetically engineered to have a human immune system, essentially. Then they try to cure them.

    Those experiments were going on in the United States until 2014. They were Dr. Anthony Fauci's projects. President Obama ordered that to stop because they had a lot of lab escape problems in 2014 from three different labs …

    Instead of stopping as he was ordered, Fauci moved those operations to the Wuhan lab in China and continued to do those experiments right up until the time that the coronavirus [pandemic occurred]. In fact, [infectious disease expert] Ian Lipkin was doing those experiments over there when [COVID-19] exploded. And I'll tell you exactly what happened because it's very suspicious.」

  19. Fauci, who by the way also works for Bill Gates, has lost all credibility as he has sided with Gates on several issues and he wants the country locked down for a long time yet, so the dumb-o-rats can plan some new crooked schemes to pull on the public and keep the economy locked down also. Sorry, not going to happen, we will open this country up again and be productive as always!

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