恢復薩滿的愛! 8.3 Resto薩滿指南

通過我們的8.3 Resto薩滿指南,獲得有關薩滿恢復薩滿的熱愛,因為我們涵蓋了才華,裝備,腐敗,最佳8.3里薩滿薩滿精華和官方恢復薩滿旋轉!進行了8.3次resto薩滿改動,但無需擔心,因為該規範在突襲和地下城中均表現出色。除了可以治癒外,8.3 resto薩滿pve還提供了很大的實用性。尼阿洛沙(Ny』alotha)的恢復不是問題,恢復薩滿神話和最佳表現是其中的佼佼者!請務必觀看直到恢復薩滿8.3指南的結尾,這樣您才能快速入門並學習如何立即開始玩Resto薩滿,之後,請繼續關注MarcelianOnline,以獲取更多8.3 bfa哇類指南:)



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  1. I am actually stacking haste mastery. Having 25% haste and 93% mastery really helps me in raids and specially in arenas. Alltho my versa is kinda low… Sitting at 10% but it works well so far. I am topping healing done each boss fight with over 100k hps as 463ilvl

  2. Hey guys! Tbh you are the only wow channel im actually watching atm, you deliver the best content in amazing/relaxing and more understandable way so thank you so fucking much for existing. Your videos are worth every single fucking second! God bless you my lovely brothers! ♡

  3. So as a Resto Shammy for a very long time (BC) you are incorrect on a lot of talents and also how the rotation works. First thing, you want Torrent and not Unleash Life. Torrent gives your Riptide a 30% boost and since you will have double charges thanks to Echo of Elements, you can really help with that needed AOE healing or Single Target healing. Do remember, your mastery, the lower the HP of the person, the more it heals for. Do not cast this unless the target is below 70%. If you do choose Undulation this good for mythic+ as our single-target healing blows. Deluge is not that good of talent, the Echo is a lot better. Earth Shield is also good, but more used in PVP. Vigor is still the best even with Bursting Affix. As a Resto Shammy, you want Bursting because of the damage it does you can heal back anybody up really fast. Other classes do not benefit from Affixes like Resto Shammies. Cloudburst is good but only really used in raids, not in Mythic+. Flash Flood is overall a better talent, as it works very well with Chain Heal. Downpour is also a very good talent, this is great when Healing Rain is on cooldown, and it heals like a truck when everybody is stacked up. On the final tier, High Tide is the best talent of choice.

    As for stats, it's Crit > Mastery > Vers. Crit is needed for those single-target Healing Surges that you do on the tanks, as well as the Riptides. Mastery because of the threshold on how Mastery works with Resto Shammies.

    For the best traits, I would suggest looking at the Ancestral Guidance Spreadsheet – https://ancestralguidance.com/spreadsheet/

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