

加入圖形技術總監Brian Karis和特殊項目藝術總監Jerome Platteaux(於2020年3月攝製),深入了解「 Nanite土地上的流明」-在PlayStation 5上進行實時實時演示,展示兩個新核心即將在UE5中亮相的技術:Nanite虛擬化微多邊形幾何圖形,使藝術家可以釋放出眼睛可以看到的儘可能多的幾何細節;以及Lumen,全動態全局照明解決方案,可對場景和光線變化立即做出反應。

該演示中還介紹了虛幻引擎4.25中已經提供的下一代功能,例如Niagara VFX改進,混沌物理和破壞,動畫系統增強和音頻改進。虛幻引擎4.25還包括對下一代控制台的支持。


  1. Problem with todays gaming is the developers are still focusing on computer generated graphics. I want to see a game that has photo graphics. From REAL environments and REAL terrain. I want to see a game that doesn't look like a game. We are not at the pinnacle of technology this is not our limit. Yes the graphics are very very good but it still looks like a game. Not real life.

  2. Console players don』t understand all this tech stuff. Just saying nor can they appreciate it. I』m
    just here to see the new UE5. Console players just wanna put a disc in and not think about how the game looks or performance stuff.

  3. So basically…1440p 30 FPS and no Ray tracing
    4k with RT on the Series X….the PS5 is a true piece of crap

  4. It's a tec demo people, of an engine that's on everything, unreal tec demos from near 10 years ago still look better than games we have today. So yea its pretty but dont expect this to be what games look like next gen.

  5. Graphics, they are just a tool. Story, gameplay and control. THAT makes great games. So no, i don't care about your triangle technology that will be aged in 5 years.

  6. My jaw dropped in the flying section ??? so amazing I can't wait for next-gen but to be honest I think PlayStation 5 going to blow it out of the waters

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