30/30:「 LANCE」預告片

在蘭斯·阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)上偷偷摸摸地進入30比30

LANCE於5月24日晚上9點首映。 ESPN上的ET。

  1. No popular athlete has ever done as much damage to their sport as this sociopath.

    Tiger Woods, Babe Ruth, Federer, Jordan, Messi, Brady, Bradman, Gretsky all did wonders for their sport in increasing its popularity and giving it a compelling personality to look up to and admire.

    This junkie put cycling in the gutter. He's a total douchebag and a lying POS.

    David Walsh should be knighted for exposing him.

  2. For those who are in the competitive sport you will understand what these athletes would do to gain an edge. There is a thin line between technological edge and cheating from carbon fiber, aerodynamic bikes, suits, nutrition and team strategy. From the Olympic to professional sports find any champion who has won by raw talent and sheer hardwork.

  3. At some point you do need to forgive people their past errors. Yes he was a narcissistic sociopath, but I believe he's changed. He cheated and lied as they all did but we know he went a step further and went on the offensive bullying and threatening and destroying careers. He was a ruthless bully. He accepts that and says he regrets it and has called everyone up he effected and apologised. Then there was Livestrong, none of that was for his own benefit – unless you believe he created the charity to try and become 'untouchable'. That's possible but again in his past. I just feel we all make mistakes in life and after being punished we should be able to learn and move on so long as we are remorseful. No I don't think he should get his titles back, justice needs to be seen to be done, especially in the Sport, but we should drop the hate and try to forgive. Humans are fallible.

  4. And here it goes. More Amstrong's bullshit to make money from it. This liar, bully and cheater do not deserve more attention and not more money for telling anything, even his "truth".

  5. It's too bad that younger, up-and-coming riders can't get this level of attention. Armstrong is a complex figure and maybe there's more to say, but it certainly looks like this documentary was produced with his cooperation and tacit blessing which should make any watcher skeptical about its conclusions.

  6. Lance deserves everything he won! If they were all doping then he is a winner of all 7 tours! It was a level playing field. I despise Becky (Frankie A wife), whom is a bitter bitch. Frankie needs to wake up and find a wife that isn』t obsessed with bringing ppl down.
    Lance is the only Lib that I like! Ugh.
    I love his podcast especially with George. They are just so opposite and they have such great banter. Love JB too.

  7. Armstrong is a sociopath, a compulsive liar, and a narcissist. He doesn't deserve a minute of attention. I'm disappointed ESPN feels they need to air this tabloid trash.

  8. If the best you can do is a re-hashed Armstrong doc then you need to get new people in your business with new ideas, the cycling community is finished with Armstrong, boring boring boring

  9. He can get bent. Helped to ruin the sport. I don』t even watch racing with my son, what am I going to tell him is the lesson there? If you want to win, dope, lie, and ruin people』s lives.

  10. The phrase 'My Truth' is Newspeak for perspective, not necessarily the truth. First penned by Oprah in a positive light as told from a victims perspective, it has been co-opted by the right to sit alongside with fake news. Misinformation, the downfall of our world.

  11. I'm very interested to see how this piece will be any different than any of the other books, movies, shows, etc that have come before. Whether everyone likes it or not, Lance still captivates cyclists. The fans and the haters alike will be tuning in on May 24th.

  12. Can we just call this "Lance, please go away." Lance is clearly an attention hog, but he had his time. Now, his surfacing just surfaces a lot of bad blood and tarnishes the sport of cycling. Please Lance, go away.

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