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  1. This video does not apply if you』re canadian. Social democracy works and a universal healthcare system works. You don』t get hospitals going out of business in Canada.

  2. $700 billion a year for defense , while Medicare Unfunded Liabilities for the next 30 years is projected to $80 trillion. America』s priorities are going to cost Americans dearly.

  3. Democrats: "We need to stay on lockdown because hospitals are being overrun with patients."

    Hospitals: "No seriously, we don't have enough patients to keep our doors open."

  4. No… It won't, the reason is simple… for every patient that even has SYMPTOMS of Covid 19 the hospitals get money. If anything it is a boom.

  5. Think about that people can afford to pay national hospital fare? For example there is a glove which one is 70$worth. Beside just meet a doctor and talking about symptoms is charge too.

  6. Blahahaha…. i mean other than the jobs getting lost i think thats really funny… i mean really any gunna be sad.? Prolly not… it cost over $100 just to make an apointment… just to see the dr…. lmmfao… even before this covid crap.. i dont feel bad for them 1 bit…. they charge to much for crap… oh you cant pay oh guess you die… not to mention they munipulate you in the worst times of your life.. mother dies in one city and they know shes dead… right.. oh do you want us to heli her to a bigger hospital.. umm not in great state of mind at this point right.. so of course do everything you can to save her.. being dead already and they know it.. then gets a $10k bill in the mail a week later…. bs .. like i said i dont feel bad one bit..

  7. Rural hospitals were on the ropes long before the bat flu. Most of them are little more than a tax drain on the few surviving businesses left. Many communities would be better off with just Medevac service.

  8. No, rural hospitals will not go bankrupt, because there are no longer any hospitals or doctors in America. However the businessmen that treat people and own the hospitals might go bankrupt.

  9. With how much money hospitals and mecidal care wring out of most everybody in america (save for the rich folk), they BETTER not go bankrupt. Every hospital is probably worth it's weight in gold with how much money they take from us.

  10. Good story but misrepresenting some stats. "more than 86% of rural counties have recorded Covid-19 cases in the past month totaling more than 66,000 people. "

    So youre telling me theres only been 67,000 cases outside of metro areas? Just the way they word it makes it seem so much worse than it is

  11. United Nations/Elites Plan:
    -Extreme poverty
    -Push injustice and inequality
    -Taxes on climate
    -Make new diseases and have the cure
    -Socialized healthcare
    -Control educational institutions
    -Gender neutrality
    -Control water and electrical systems
    -Wealth control
    -Everyone put to work
    -Push people into regulated areas
    -Limit and track each persons consumption
    -Limit travel
    -Push farming out of lands make into forest
    -Countries divided
    -Tensions between countries
    -Laws only apply to 99% not the elite or-lawmakers

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