卡倫·賈瑞特(Karen Jarrett)與她的新GFW女冠軍賽娜(Sienna)會面| IMPACT 2017年5月4日

凱倫·賈瑞特(Karen Jarrett)認為自己的宿敵西耶娜(Sienna)是現任和在職的GFW女冠軍嗎?這兩個會見面嗎?西耶娜(Sienna)會尊重凱倫(Karen)嗎?


現在,「流行摔角」將於周四在Pop上的8 / 7c播放。不要錯過它!要找出可以觀看的地方,請訪問www.poptv.com上的頻道查找器

  1. who's that interviewer? she's gorgeous!
    and no, sienna, won't ever respect karen…and no one else should either, she's just jeff's wife, she's a nobody in her own right

  2. Why is the GFW being defended in impact? I feel they should unify the titles and just make the knockouts title the impact womens championship. It makes more sense to me bc this is IMPACT Wrestling, not Global Force. Also I'm annoyed that Christina lost her title so fast, they should have built her up better and utilized her as a badass force not a scrub who literally lost it her 2nd night in impact

  3. oh and at least Dixie Carter was a pretty, classy, classic southern-belle type of woman. . . .Karen Jarrett looks like a MAN!!! Haha Double J singing with my Baby tonight to the Beast from that late 80's/early 90's lame crime drama Beauty and THE Beast….with that cat-looking beast…..that's the Dude Mrs. Jarrett looks like!

  4. why does anyone in the locker room want a gfw championship??? nobody watching the show CARES about a gfw championship……or "GFW" for that matter…….now let me tell you about a business opportunity I just think you might be interested in. . . . .Ever thought of buying gold. . . . . .

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