史蒂夫·瓦伊(Steve Vai)吉他課-彎曲筆記-外星吉他的秘密:激情與戰爭

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  1. So difficult, but I like to practice not just bending up a fret or 2 or 3 or even 5 but trying to hit half fret bends, picking two frets, playing the first, pretending a quarter step and then playing the next note trying to really get a feel for how to hit those microtonal notes when I want to. Can be fun to get a clean microtonal flavour and experiment with microtonal scales, major too happy? Mixolydian have a bit more edge than you want? Or nott quite enough? Lol. But great advice! Guy's a guitar genious!

  2. You have to add to the list of admirable skills of Steve Vai, he can really express his ideas in a very accessible way; he's a gifted teacher.

  3. LoL. I『ve been playing the guitar for about 10 years. recently i started learning Gravity by JM, and i noticed string noise when bending and thereby touching the strings with my fingertips i was bendin into. i never was aware of this sound.. i was starting to feel really dump, since ive been playing for so long and looked up bending videos. found this one and i see that this noise unavoidable, juding by the fact that even he is doing that noise

  4. "You have to find the excitement in it." ? Love listening to Steve explaining his technique; with the right ears, what he says applies to way more than just guitar. ?

  5. the problem about making the guitar sing in the high registers is that with cheaper guitars the sustain dies off super fast. at least thats my experience with cheap guitars. yes, generally high register sustain is more difficult just due to physics itself.

    mr. vai uses expensive guitars and also has a very good amp system. im quite sure that helps with the sustain. also he has played for so many years. i think average players arent solo guitarists like him. they usually play in a band but the time where they are actually soloing like this isnt happening often. i dont know if it makes sense to practice playin in the high registers a lot if you only have few minutes solo time on stage in a full concert. or not even close to a minute if u only perform few songs.

    probably different for people that are solo instrumentalists on stage. they can do stuff like this all the time cuz they always decide what they want to play and the point is to be the center of attention the whole time.

    while it makes sense to practice everything of course, most people have jobs, family etc. and dont make a livin off guitar playing. they dont have much time to practice. and since my impression is almost every guitarist plays in a band and not as a soloist the people rather practice something that helps the whole band and not some individual solo performance. like most important is to perfectly play together with other band members and form a unit.

    thats my impression. i think its also the same reason why so many bands die off cuz the people never really get to the point of playing as a unit. you always have to adjust and find a good middle path but with limited time thats not easy. seems most people get discouraged and give up. like its totally normal that bands dont last long and only few exist past bad times.

    but yeah if only working with professionals its a whole nother story.

  6. he is talented as player but not a teacher… Paul Gilber and Joe Satriani are great players and teachers.. by the way Joe Sat taught Steve Vai.

  7. Thank you. This helped me to figure out why I was not able to bend a full note properly on the E1 at the 20th fret (with floating tremolo strat). The problem was that I was doing the finger bending technique instead of bending from the wirst.

  8. Wow what an awesome teacher Steve Vai really is and humble as well. Glad that bending is difficult for me as well. Vibrato on the high E string is especially tricky! My teacher showed me that use wrist and arm motion and fingers as placeholders. Muting strings is tricky during bends but crucial.

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