齊默爾曼電報| 20世紀|世界歷史|可汗學院

在德國和墨西哥之間截獲的電報使美國宣戰。由Sal Khan創建。

觀看下一課:https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/euro-hist/american-entry-world-war-i/v/united-states-enters-world-war-i?utm_source = YT&utm_medium = Desc&utm_campaign = worldhistory

錯過了上一課? https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/euro-hist/american-entry-world-war-i/v/blockades-u-boats-and-sinking-of-the-lusitania?utm_source= YT&utm_medium = Desc&utm_campaign = worldhistory



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  1. This kinda glosses over an insanely interesting part. The British intercepted this because they had tapped American lines underwater. This was seen as unethical and immoral because you're not supposed to spy on your friends. They needed a way to tell the Americans however because they knew that this might draw them into the war making it easier to win. So instead since the telegram went from Germany through neutral lines to Washington DC, and then was redirected to a western union in downtown Mexico city where the german ambassador had to go pick it up. Instead the Brits staged a break in at the Western Union and said that the thugs who broke in read the telegram and decided they had something important, and then sold it to the Brits, who took it to America saying that they had been sold the information.

  2. https://archive.org/stream/41766889080599#page/n0/mode/2up

    6 March 1915 signal from Z 147 USN Naval attache in Germany. He records the 'violent anti American' view of the press and public. Why? The warning from the USA over attacks on US merchant ships without confirming neutrality. This warning enraged the Kaiser, who wrote 'this is an insult to the German people, I have never seen such impertinence'. The belief of the German people that the USA was supplying the UK through the U boat 'food' blockade of British ports. Germany softened this approach when she realized that the USA was in dispute with England and France over the right of US ships to trade with Germany. Germany believed it could count on US support in international disputes and possibly assist Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania after inter government assurances that Germany would not knowingly attack ships carrying American citizens. Records show that when the U boat captain was ordered to Berlin to explain, he recorded that he was met by his fellow naval officers with hostility and disgust at 'disobeying orders'. It does beg the question, even if Germany suspected the ship was carrying arms, did the high command in Germany order the attack? Surely they would have been aware of the recent improvement in US/German relations would they have been prepared to once again lose that goodwill? Or was it as some naval officers suggested that the commander had disobeyed orders.


  3. You all know nothing, I am the grate grandson of the man the one man how intercepted it. My family has all the info so most of the fact which he is taking about, are rubbish

  4. where is the difference between mexico and afghanistan or any other war hu? man stopsearching in the history like this bullshit or ask the indians who was zimmermann at this time. war is bullshit and everybody who try to make his (what ever that means) country look like, we did the right thing is the same criminal like each war lord on mother earth!

  5. To start a war or a "world" war because of a Telegram?? This is new in history and Germany even did not mobilsed any troops against the USA – so Germany had no war intentions! But what can you expect from USA? The USA even had sent own innocent citizen with ships from USA to europe into secure death – there were no problems to stop this ships by USA – but USA did not! My opinion is not that Kaiser Germany made no mistakes but I have never heard that country or even Kaiser Germany has sent own people into secure death – only to have a war reason?

  6. it makes much more sense that this was a ploy from someone within the the TRIPLE POWERS to lure America into war. the central powers couldn't have been that dumb to think an idea like the Zimmerman telegram would have worked. surly Wilson and his staff were aware of this as well. maybe it was actually a ploy by his administration to convince America we should  enter the war.

  7. Actually, recent history is mostly accurate. More distant history takes a hit from the lack of methods to easily record, effectively preserve and quickly distribute information. I'm aware that governments or other bodies have tried to conceal intelligence before but it's not possible to just "Hide information". Independent historians record these events, and eventually information is declassified. In the case of World War I, I am positive that all available information has been declassified.

  8. There is STILL people who believe that the earth is flat… shows how much you know. The "Flat Earth Society" still exists to this day, and is headed by a man by the name of Daniel Shenton.

  9. The Germans admitted a-lot of things under direst, but that does not prove the point to anyone with a brain that functions properly./ However not once did I claim that this telegram was a fraud; I was simply illuminating your stupidity in thinking that conspiracy's are just something "ignorant people" follow.

  10. You are wrong. Zimmerman make a public response regarding the contents of the letter after it was released. Its hard for 21st century modern individuals to understand how policy of determined strength was seen as good. Mind you these policy makers grew up in the 18th century. Our world was not connected as it is now.

  11. both arguments are legitimate, popular opinion is not proof enough that the telegraph is actually from the Germans, although it could and probably is the correct statement, after all a bunch of people did once think that the world was flat.

  12. Heck, in 1917 we Mexicans were in the middle of a Civil War. To wage a war against the US would've been pretty freaking stupid. There was no acting president in Mexico at that time. A figure that would've sufficed said post was Venustiano Carranza who at that time was holed up in the city of Querétaro writing a new constitution.

  13. What's funny is that Glenn Beck is a huge conspiracy theorist on the world wars as well. There's a video of him on Youtube talking about World War I where he goes into "the banks" and everything else.

  14. Sounds forged. Why would Germany talk of his own submarine warfare as unrestricted and ruthless. And why do they feel the need to ask Mexico to invite Japan and mediate between Germany and Japan…
    On the other hand if you want the U.S to join this is pretty much what you'd write in just a single letter. Mexico is coming, so is Japan. And German subs will attack everything that moves.
    But I could be wrong. Just a hunch.

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