10,000小時短路:TEDxRegina的David Gerhard

David Gerhard是薩斯喀徹溫省里賈納市裡賈納大學計算機科學系副教授和音樂系副教授。在TEDxRegina的這次演講中,David介紹了他的音樂作品Rainboard。他問,有了它,我們是否可以縮短通向音樂大師的道路。該演講於2012年5月16日在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省里賈納拍攝。

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  1. Well….it doesn』t take 「so long」 to learn music theory. All music theory is is recognizing and understanding patterns, then giving a name to those patterns. People hear these patterns all the time, they just might not realize there』s a name for what they are hearing. Not so difficult if you think of it this way. People love to hate theory, smh.

  2. Disappointed by the quality of ted talks
    1. google "isomorphic midi controller" its been around since the 80s, its old tech!
    2. guitar has moveable chord shapes and scales, like many other instruments.
    3. this will give children a warped perception of how music theory works.
    4. the graphs are his assumptions. we would love to see a study on this with facts instead.
    @TEDxTalks please get experts, not people who treat it as a hobby.

  3. Reading the description, I found this: "he asks if we can shortcut the path to musical mastery."
    And reading the comments is not encouraging.
    This sounded like Short-Circuiting 10,000 hours for any subject. Signing off 4 mins in.

  4. This is incredible! But its so funny that he said he wasn't sure if juggling had to do with music! If any of you have heard of Juzzy Smith. Have a look for a busking video he did when he juggled an played harmonica… they are almost like maracas!

  5. if you are here to learn music. boy, you came to the right place. and if you want to know about "learning a skill in 10,000 hours" select any other video from the right side list. ted please change video title nobody wants to waste 18 minutes and 35 seconds.

  6. This is a cool concept but it ignores the whole point of learning music. Just playing means nothing, having actual knowledge to back up, even if it's basic is important – number of sharps/flats in any scale, how adding or changing a note in a chord affects it, etc.

  7. what's the point when you can't move ur fingers gracfully above the keys?
    to me that's the whole beauty of piano…and violin too…i wanna be like that..that's wt keeps me going…this way i have to keep my hand like chicken leg…
    also this is so tiny…and sounds funny…i want to ply Beethoven…bach…how cn i ??

  8. GENIUS!!!!!!….a product with flashy lights which cuts "headache and migraine sufferers" out of it's potential buying public area…add to the equation that most folk i personally know who are creatives suffer from headaches and/or migraines and at this stage of this instrument's development…you have just knocked up an instrument which might just cut out quite a high percentage of creative users….your target market….or is it a toy aimed directly at KIDS?….who can also suffer from migraines.

    Mmmmmmmm……just a thought or two before you MASS PRODUCE.

    Make it without the flashy lights= Potentially a huge winning commercial product….SIMPLE.

    Have you sold any yet????

  9. Make this open source, open manufacture and with an arduino-based design. Usually Pad-based instruments have
    problems with dead-time, so I guess the response would have to be hard wired to avoid lagging.

  10. Awesome talk but wish the production people would have checked lav batteries or turned the wireless receiver on or made sure it was connected connected..kind of embarrassing for U of R film video students. The synth did come out nice and a cool instrument

  11. well what really makes you a musician is, I believe not so much the ease of instrument layout, but knowing and recognizing all the sounds and being creative with them. This is where" the work" really are and here the instrument plays a smaller role. One could say … here YOU are the instrument. When the sounds makes sense to you the way you put them to the instrument begins to make a lot more sense

  12. 1) Ableton Push (similar concept but waaaay more advanced while being just as simple)

    2) 10,000 is to become a world-class player in an ultra-competitive field. It doesn't take 10,000 hours to learn how to drive a car now, does it? But it probably will take 10,000 hours to become a Formula 1 driver. The 10,000 rule has been twisted over the years. In reality, you can become the world's best at something relatively simple (or reasonably good at something complicated) within about 20 – 40 hours.

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