

  1. I saw them multiple times in the 80s in a big auditorium then again around 2002 in a dancehall/bar. They never needed special effects other than a fog machine. They delivered the goods every time!

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  3. Created – 50 – years ago & it – still – kicks – ass.

    & Nazareth is not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame..

    F$$k em.
    Like – any – politician.

    Who needs them.

    Nazareth forever.

  4. yes 40 or so years ago i was young where does time go an the kids of today have no idea what good songs are like this one any many more

  5. Man I just love Nazareth. I started playing my mom an dad's albums when I was 8 or 9 i think around 75 or 76 idk But I thought it was the most awesome thing I'd ever heard… still do 🙂

  6. It's so damn cool how this song starts with a simple palm muted guitar riff, some piano chords and an occasional hihat and bass accent and slowly expands into the beauty that is the final verse.

  7. Сильнейшая вещь ? Назарет одна из моих любимых западных групп . Услышал в 13 лет и влюбился ,сейчас мне 35 и любовь не иссякла

  8. Believe it or not! Nazareth is coming to Kuujjuaq, Quebec – Canada for our Arpik Jam Music Festival next week. Festival is next week August 13-16, 2018. Hoping to hear Telegram when they're playing. <3

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