HTML5 WebSocket無線Wi-Fi嵌入式模塊:通過任何設備上的Web瀏覽器控制硬體

HTML5 WebSocket Wi-Fi嵌入式模塊,用於數據採集,控制和自動化。


*實施HTML5 WebSocket伺服器標準以實現Web瀏覽器與模塊之間的實時雙向通信
*具有3種模式的Wi-Fi,可立即進行部署。具有WLAN安全性的受限AP模式(WEP或WPA / WPA2),消除了對接入點的需求
* USB快閃記憶體盤,可輕鬆進行固件升級,設備配置和內容管理
* 2個DAC通道,8個ADC通道和14個具有中斷功能的數字I / O

Wireless Embedded Module

  1. Good video! By the way, what did you need to do this? I mean libraries, MCU, etc. I am thinking of make something similar with a PIC for example…
    How did you program it? In which language in the MCU side?
    I would like to do VOIP and data communication over Wifi with html5 at the same time, do you think that this is possible?
    Kind regards!

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