如何鍛煉以加快新陳代謝? 30分鐘新陳代謝促進鍛煉

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  1. Would you recommend reverse dieting for someone with a 29.1 BMI ? I was in a 500 ( 1650 ) caloric deficit for a month and didn』t see any changes in my body, and now I am in an 800 caloric deficit ( 1365 ). After watching your videos though and learning more about the metabolism, I don』t know what to do anymore. What』s the right amount of calories for me to eat in order to lose fat but also maintain my muscle and hopefully build up more ? Also I』m a 19 year old college student ( freshman ) and I am 5』1.

  2. New subscriber!! Where did you go grocery shopping? Would like to try some things in your shopping cart! How long and at what temp did you cook your salmon? Great video

  3. I am just binge watching this sunshine happy lady. I wonder if she does workouts + ice bathes just before recording. She is beaming with dopamine rainbows. Whole foods Markets better consider her a spokesperson. Peace.

  4. To keep your plants from getting brutally eaten by an adorable feline: sprinkle cayenne pepper on the soil around your plants. That's worked to keep my cats from mauling my plants. One sniff and they lose interest. And/or dilute orange essential oil in water and spritz it on the leaves.

  5. Cat deterrent for eating plants: lemon juice or anything citrusy. When my cat was younger and a shit disturber, we'd put orange peels on the lower branches of our Christmas tree to stop her trying to climb it.

  6. I have a question. Do u have any tips on how to lessen loose skin? I've lost 120lbs since September 2019. But I still have a bit to go and loose skin. I am trying to do it the healthy way. I have lots of pictures on my IG. @sober.stars.ashley.mcdole

  7. How often should you hit chest, triceps, delts, and abs for strength AND/OR hypertrophy a week :). Love the vids, stay motivated.

  8. I've been having the probiotic coffee from four sigmatic recently… kind of taking a fun gut health journey myself, and it's been good so far

  9. most cats don't like orange smell, so you can spray things that you don't want them to get into with some water with orange peel oil mixed in, or just take an orange rind and kinda bend it near the plants (or whatever you don't want the cats to mess with), so it sprays them a bit

  10. What are your suggestions for weight loss for someone who looooves to run. I run every day and it』s my favourite part of the day. I started to change up my runs. Instead of just distance I』ve been doing intervals and sprints as well. I also lift heavy two days a week. I know lifting alone might be best From a physical standpoint but running is so good for my mind so I choice to keep it in my daily routine.

    I』ve been following your weight loss plan recently of three weeks 80% of maintenance with a week of maintenance eating. I』ve been getting very good results.

    I lost all my muscle and gained a lot of fat the past two years when I was ill with Lyme disease. I』m taking a very scientific approach to build my body back now that I』m healed enough and would love any suggestions you might have.

  11. I wish so bad I could find a large CocoYo yogurt where I am! I can only find little individual containers, but it so thick and delish my fave

  12. Have you tried mixing vanilla flavor, syrup or something, into your matcha latte? It』s such a game changer! It』s now my favorite drink 😀

  13. Cn you talk about how to safely transition back into gym/weight workouts as gyms reopen? I've been doing bodyweight/resistance only workouts for the past 3 months and went to the gym for the first time yesterday. I'm really sore today and want to make sure I don't hurt myself getting back into things!

  14. Not related to this vid, but need an answer: this is my day 1 of a 3 days fast, I recently watched all your prolonged fast videos, and I'm doing this to promote insuline sensitivity, so I've been adding a little bit of fat to my coffe and tea. Is there a specific protocol to break my fast or I should follow the water fast protocol? I was thinking about bone broth and then sone small meals of cooked veggies and some protein.

  15. Can I have a workouts for booty and as litttle of thighs at the same time? I don't want more muscles as i have lvl 4 scoliosis and any muscle weight gain causes more disproportions as in high schoom I have been working out. I also cannot afford a trainer who is a specialist in scoliosis safe workouts. I just need rounder buns, could you help me? I assume lower body workout should be perfectly safe for me. I'm 25 if it matters

  16. To keep your cat out of plants… you really just have to keep them out of reach or maybe get a little patch of grass for him to eat. My cat loooves to get into my spider plants, but some grass keeps him distracted from eating the green babies. They have some cute little planters available too!

  17. Could you do more vlogs Aunt Marisa? I know you're kinda private, but I really would like to see more of what you do in a day. Be careful going to those protests too. Love you!

  18. Hey a little fitness question to anyone who sees this:
    If I am putting on weight but losing cm on the body , does that put me in a surplus or deficit?
    Because I dont understand how I can put on weight but be losing fat ?

  19. I understand what you're saying about ST vs CT. However, what about an obese person? Should they not focus more on cardio vs strength (still do both but do more cardio than strength)??

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