
我們愛足球經理,或者至少可以生存。 我想我可以幫助您更快地失望或興高采烈。 FM20在開始保存之前和之後可以拉一些桿,以提高速度。 切記:Football Manager可以在任何計算機上(幾乎)運行任何東西,因此,哪種速度最快才是您自己的選擇。 但是,沒有理由不讓您的速度最快。 這涵蓋了可以使您的遊戲更快進行的硬編碼操作,以及一些有助於您瀏覽菜單的快速技巧。 對於經驗更豐富的FM播放器,一些是顯而易見的,但是我保證我已經在您沒有聽說過的地方藏了一些金塊。 除非您像我一樣喜歡Football Manager的設置。 懷疑。 但是尊重,如果是真的。 FM Senpai真是太愛了——————————————— ————————————–在以下地區與紐西蘭進行環聊:TWITCH►https:// www.twitch.tv/zeaiand TWITTER►https://twitter.com/theoldzealand DISCORD►https://discord.gg/UfRpJVc INSTAGRAM►https://www.instagram.com/theoldzealand/– ————————————————– ————————–簽出Reece編輯器,網址為:YOUTUBE►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3-SxCeZh -ER8fX_qMJ5MQ? TWITTER►https://twitter.com/ReeceTheEditor ————————————— ——————————————–有關更多信息,請訪問FMBase:網站►https://fm-base.co.uk/ ———————————— ———————————————–感謝收看和滾動! #FootballManager#遊戲#標籤。

  1. Fried banana is actually delicious (both in the pan and air fryer). Throw some cinnamon and sugar on the top !

  2. Congrats on winning FM Showdown. I think I can make this JOKE now that you won.
    The best way to speed the game up is to make sure to not play you in a multiplayer save ?? Zing!

  3. havint tons of players loaded seriously slows down for example when clicking player search, it will load players in dribs n drabs & take around 10-15 seconds to load the list so it depends what you prefer
    huge database & less leagues meaning faster day to day processing but slower page times or less database & more leagues meaning slower day to day but fast page loading times

  4. Yous missed one, change match secluding to Saturday and Wednesday, it makes all the fixtures happen at the same time and there not endless clicking through all the games that started at different times to yours. small fix but it works, if you do it mid season your fixtures will not change until the following season. its in preferences under match.

  5. Hi Zealand. What about making a video on defensive soccer? I mean it feels like most FM players on twitch and other platforms have success with positive tactics. And so do I by the way. In the tactic testing database the best defensive tactics are actually attacking tactics! Or the ME makes no sense when it comes to counter-attacking soccer, or there is something the community needs to understand – and that's a mission for Zealand!

  6. Hello there boss, I know you'd probably have this question before, BUT
    How you have pics on the regens and not the usual shitty faces ?
    Thanks in advance !

  7. There's also a FMSpeeder app on the internet that really speeds up the game a WHOLE lot more. You do have to open it yourself everytime you start FM, and deactive it for matches or they will go too fast. It's made for older versions of the game but it still seems to be working in the recent ones. It might seem a bit dubious and i was also scared at first, but i haven't played FM without it for the passed 4 years or so, simply because it goes so much faster, and never had problems with it. Did a quick google search and i see they even made a new version for FM20, but i havent tried that one yet.

  8. Great tips! I think you're completely right about the database and playable/view leagues. Bigger database won't hurt anyone 🙂 Also, I'm glad that you spoke about details and how it can speed up or slower the things down. Stay well!

  9. Hey zealand, would you mind making a video on what clubs are best to start? Because I』m new to the game and I would like to start a save but I don』t know what club to start with

  10. Me with my main save being a worldwide journeyman where my first job was with Sarawak FA in the Malaysian second division (2:56): I'll have you know, the Malaysian second division is a very important league to have playable.

  11. So I loaded all possible leagues in FM19, it takes a while to move from day to day but I made them all playable because I wanted to see each team's players etc. I even had the affiliate clubs from India and so on. If I just make them 'watchable', would it screw up the affiliates and the players?

  12. When FM was created, it was thought that processor frequency would continue to increase. But we hit a wall of exponentially increasing heat that could not be easily dissipated, so we opted for multiples of processors (cores) instead. Miles has done close to nothing in adjusting to this. And since then Miles has slapped on Denuvo, decreasing processing speed for paying customers by up to 50% so he can squeeze out more shekels. So we find ourselves with a game where the core mechanics are from the 1990s, processed by early 2000s code, but we can't simulate all the relevant divisions even with a 2020 processor. France div 2 and Argentina div 3 for instance produce top tier regens and aren't Malaysia Div 2, but who loads them in? And it's ridiculous that our saves end up 1GB in size. Unfortunately the only way to 'speed up' FM right now is to get high single-core frequency. Only Intel can get to ~5.0GHz, so don't fall for the Ryzen meme. Doesn't matter if i3-9350KF or i9-10980XE, they'll both hit this single-core limit of ~5.0GHz because of heat output. Personally I recommend just settling for an old Haswell K chip say, since it will do ~4.3GHz which isn't bad, at a bargain price.

  13. I wonder if there』s a PC out there that could run a game at 5 star speed with every single league included. I know my PC from 2001 wasn』t that PC when I tried it on Champ Man 01/02. ?

  14. Quick question for anyone who has have this problem to. My frame rate drops to 32 when I a game but for 6 season I have never had this problem and I check my performance stars and I have 5 for game speed I don』t know why it just dropped randomly ? Anyone know a solution?

  15. Am I the only one that stills plays on 2d just to feel the nostalgia….nothing to to do with the performance of my 6 year old battered laptop that coughs before turning on… absolutely nothing to to do with that

  16. Thank you ? .. this was awesome .. especially the hatred for that stupid thing that comes up when you click on a competition .. I'm super lazy to go and look for stuff so tnx again

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