如何在Kali Linux 2020上設置免費VPN。

嘿,這是Animate CE。 如果您想使用一個VPN虛擬專用網並且不想付費或不想安裝任何軟體,那麼此視頻適合您。 我將向您展示如何使用Windows內置的VPN客戶端。 我將逐步向您展示如何在Kali Linux中設置VPN。 如何在Kali Linux中設置VPN。 我將在此演示中使用VPNBOOK,VPNBOOK是一個PPTP(點對點隧道),Microsoft Windows,Linux,Apple,Mobile和PS3平台均支持。 #FreeVPN #VPNBook #SetupFreeVPN #SetupVPN。

  1. it looked like it was going to work but when i finished i saw that my internet was not picking up, even with the terminal open and closed, go fuck yourself now you don't want to go back you will have to format my pc

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