技巧,以加快原金種植| 進入黃金模式8.3

大家好! 讓我們回顧一下我為加快原始金礦農場的工作量! :D ~~~~~ WTBGold的速度vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyGDgpQcQfY&t=148s什麼是原金?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kww- cTzRWSM —- Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32513337不和諧:https://discord.gg/mX4pXCP Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/u/KrakenLatte — Merch :https://teespring.com/stores/kraken-lattes-swarthy-goodies電子書:https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1012256捐贈:https://www.paypal.me/krakenlatte —歌曲:Kevin MacLeod的《 Glitter Blast》鏈接:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4707-glitter-blast許可證:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Kevin MacLeod的Derp Nugget鏈接:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3638-derp-nugget許可證:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/。

  1. Probaby asked before … but still … if its about speed – base speed should be important. So – are shamans (shadow wolf) and Druids (travelform and/or permanent feral benefits) ARE the fastest overall runners?

  2. Just found you channel!, im a relative noob to WoW and only have 2 lvl 110 my max lvl because i dont have BFA… before shadowlands drops i want to try and grind out enough gold to buy tokens and get BFA… should i first focus on getting more 110 chars… if so what class i curretly have druid and hunter and was thinking of doing more druids or hunters or is there a better class for more efficent farming? or should i just grind resets ?

  3. hello, its the skyreach dungeon farming still the best? since im kinda lazy and you said in your old videos that you could get around 4k per 10 runs in 30 minutes and i could easily do this a couple times per day, i believe that would be the best method (its really time effecty) or are there any new methods better than this one? thank you miss!!

  4. Just another tip to get back out of dungeons/raids once cleared.

    Make sure you have cooking and can make a campfire, then buy a few pinchwhistle nitro fuel(can be found multiple places including garrison inn). Use the /naked macro to strip armor, consume a few of the nitros and stand in the campfire. It will kill you and respawn you back to the start. It costs around 12 gold to do it but for those that are in a hurry it's a worthwhile investment

  5. could u help me with this one thing, what type of server (low mid high) would a multiboxer avoid. i want to move to a server with little to no multiboxers.

  6. Another great vid Kraken. Loving how the WoW youtubers are giving nods and working together of late esp during all the RL issues going on. Moar Kraken and Silvertea FTW!

  7. i also find direct damage spell and not chance based talents traits or whtever are better. since the mobs prob wont last long enough to triger chance stuff and u want to get to as close to one shotting as possible. also the lootarange u get as engineering is worth it since its a toy and can be used at 1 eng

  8. i find myself switching between dps gear and speed gear in raids or not using it if its the lfr que and my classes mechanices and the rp will cover me fine.

    only time i ever really use a full speed set fr the whole thing is like skyreach and even then i do ensure my weapon is a current item so my attacks actually do damage

  9. hey there–good video! helpful info for what I find myself doing a lot these days. are there any good addons for quickly selling all the loot you get? I almost break my hand clicking through everything after each couple of runs.

  10. this is only wod. if you have a level 3 mount building you can use the in training talbuk and wolf (best ones in my experience) you can run and kill without stopping in the world and if you have the wod lootarang you can use it while running to always kill and loot without stopping. If youre an engineering the engineering only one works too. it's limited but works for wod.

  11. boots of the gilded path increases 30% movement speed when you loot gold, i got it sometimes beginning to mid bfa i want to say from a WQ but not sure at all. its great for outdoor farms like the sethraks for the hyena mount in voldun. im sure it works in dungeons and raids too

  12. Hey again! Just wanna point out that jumping off a boss' platform to die doesn't always lead to a repair bill! It seems like 'death floors' like Kromog and Xhul'horac (where you actually land on something after jumping off) are safe to die on, but bottomless pits like Mannoroth or Desolate Host are not and WILL damage your gear if you die this way.

    Also, speed gear is definitely something I'm glad I finally had pointed out to me. I was lucky enough to have a lot of speed stuff easily available to me, so now I'm zipping around at 152% base movement speed on my priest and it's really made those indoor instances so much better! Especially since that's fast enough to have a permanent 'sprint' animation and I love how pandaren look doing it!

  13. A lvl 111 its called a Twink he can gear legion legendarys and clear some dungeons fasters. Sadly they got nerf if you want to boost someone (not necesary anymore since party sync) in order a twint to work you must stop xp gain. You can gear up with legendary boot that stack mov speed and ring that give mov speed on CC targets.
    Pvp speed potions sometimes are cheaper and provide a long steady boost of speed. Not sure if invi pots works on dungeons (pvp ones)
    Any toy hearthstone gives 1 extra loot space, just delete the old stone or bank it.
    Leave a character you dont use often in ur fav dungeon/raid entrance just to raw gold when you feel like it. I like to run HOV LFR since it takes 3 mins or less. Ideal for a raid break or what ever. (only clear trash till first boss, 1st boss might be includided just one per week)
    I like the video aproach to newbie players – Hope you make one about teleportin toys/gadgets, theres so many.

  14. Using Breath of the Dying especially the rank 3 one can one shot bosses that would otherwise have multiple phases such as Shadow Lord Iskar and the Thunder King.

  15. Great video, thanks. By the way would like to ask what is the UI style addon, like these windows of looking for group without blizzard's textures?

  16. The stuck macro is a real life (and/or time) saver – just remember to really delete your hs though or you might accidentally end up butt naked in Boralus like me.
    There are several toy versions of the hearthstone available ingame, my tips for those:
    1) if you want one now and don't mind grinding go for the innkeeper's daughter toy from archaeology – for fastest farming get exalted with the lorewalkers, buy a mantid artifact hunter's kit and run around pandaria for a while.
    2) if you have money and want a hs toy RIGHT NOW buy the epic edition of Shadowlands.
    3) if you can wait a few weeks and don't mind zooming around the world map for a few hours wait for the midsummer fire festival and buy the fire eater's hearthstone toy for 350 burning blossoms.

  17. amazing guide, you help me a lot ,since i started watching your videos i increase the amount of gold i make weekly, i prefer farm like this because i dont get bored, sorry for my english, continue with the good job, hugs from a venezuelan guy in Ecuador

  18. Something that might be obvious to some: use taunts. Sometimes it's faster to get a mob to run to you. One thing I did not realize for a long time was that Spellsteal works as a taunt for mages.

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