跨VPC設置AWS Client VPN和訪問私有AWS資源

在此視頻中,我將向您展示如何設置AWS Client VPN以及如何在多個AWS賬戶中的對等VPC之間訪問私有AWS資源。有關命令和資源的博客鏈接:https://prasaddomala.com/2020/04/02/aws-client- vpn-setup-private-access-across-aws帳戶和-vpcs /。

  1. thanks for sharing Prasad. liked and sub'd!
    had a question – so you cannot associate multiple subnets from the same AZ for the target networks. Meaning, per AZ, you can only have users connect to 1 subnet inside a given AZ? isn't that a big limitation i.e. if the instances are spread across multiple subnets in a given AZ?

  2. Hi, I used this approach earlier and I am now connected to the VPN, but i can't browse anything on the internet or even ping my server, any ideas what should I do?

  3. Hi Prasad, great video, helped me a lot. One question, when I am connected my internet is extremely slow then after a couple minutes I can only access my resources on AWS, no www anymore. Please, do you have any orientation?

  4. For multiple end users we need to create multiple client and server certificate ? If i have 10 users and i want to permit these 10 users on a vpn i have created, so have i need to create 10 clients and 10 server certificate ?

  5. Very good video, thank you.

    Dumb question: If I want to use mutual authentication only assigning a certificate to each user, does this mean that I have to create a Client VPN Endpoint for each user?

  6. Thanks for the awesome video. I am looking for a site-to-site VPN solution to connect our onsite customers to AWS cloud. Instead of using AWS VPN, can we use any OpenVPN solution from AWS end and terminate the tunnel to our customers onsite router/firewall?

  7. Is there a data transfer fee associated with the Client VPN? I don't see it in the pricing page. So if not, then wouldn't it be cheaper to download from S3 through a Client VPN connection as opposed to through internet directly?

  8. Very good instruction, thank you for creating this. I managed to configure everything using certificate based authentication. Successfully tested connection to my VPC. The requirement is to secure connection to our dev AWS CloudFront distribution. I can't find a way to do it, is this even possible?

  9. I am confused about giving VPC access to AWS services and giving user IAM access ? Is the same? What is the difference ? I understand by giving VPC access , he can run through our AWS console. Is the same as giving someone IAM user role ?

  10. Sorry for the dumb question, but which server are you connected to, to create the certificate with easy-rsa is that the ec2 instance you created earlier?

  11. just quick feedback – your demo is hardly visible because of resolution you are using while recording it. also can you tell us which tool are you using to draw the aws architecture diagram ?

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