提示與技巧| 在Media Composer中加快編輯速度

Avid高級解決方案專家Corey Tedrow解釋了如何使用頂部和尾部工具,擴展編輯以創建L形切口以及替換編輯。 在http://www.avid.com/mc-tutorials上觀看更多教程視頻。

  1. Tail & Top perfect tool – I've binded to the 3 and 4 keys – works brilliant to me., but you need to beware you can get out of sync with your tracks off – it's good tool when you cut and re-order direct sounds without proper shots over it. Extend Edit looks like a regular option 🙂 I use it since I started editing.

  2. Interesting topic but you made a basic mistake – when you topped the first "erm" at 1'38" all your interview footage (v1, a1, a2) shifted up the timeline by that amount, but everything else stayed put. Time sensitive cutaways/b-roll on v2 (or above) have fallen out of sync relative to the interview footage (same with any important music edits and graphics overlays etc.). If you don't catch this error straight away you'll spend a long time fixing things later. I use top tail all the time but you have to be more careful – I usually use them in conjunction with sync lock buttons. I've still not found a practical example of the extend edit function (I used to use this in FCP, but it feels a little clunky in avid) – how was it useful there? You seem to already know what dialog you were about to reveal but usually that's not the case

  3. My name is Spring P. Tate, and I'm a Entertainment Art student studying Film at College for Creative Studies. I am learning Avid Media Composer Ultimate on my laptop, using the book Avid Media Composer 6: Part 1-Editing Essentials. Its because our school no longer teaching Avid Media Composer CS6 anymore. The teacher's had a hard time teaching students, and the student's had a hard time learning it. But as of 2017 they discontinued the program on our computers. They told me the licensing was too expensive. But I am a fighter. I know for a fact that Avid is Industry standard, period!
    I know I have to know Avid to work with the professionals relating to editing major films.
    What advice can you offer me or any help of ANY KIND…… could you do for me to learn everything I need to know about Avid Media Composer.

    I just ordered the book a few years ago, but with this new Avid Media Composer Ultimate I now have on my laptop, I can get to work.
    The problem I'm having is the when it comes to working with BINS… it asked me to look at BIN VIEW MENU, but the icons at the bottom are different than the book. The icons I see doesn't show a triangle pointing down for me to click on to display the menu to click on TEXT, FRAME, and SCRIPT. When you click on the two column roll icon image, it displays as the TEXT itself, and the icon next to it displays as the FRAME icon, than next to it is the script icon.

    Just between me and you that can be confusing, when you read and look at the images next to the direction to know act to do next. It doesn't show the way it supposed to be seen in the bins.

    When it says a icon is on the right side, its really on the left side.

    And vise versa ..But I'm not giving up. I am a HomeHelp provider for my mom, who has early symptoms of demential, and Sun-Down Syndrome, who just turn 90 years old last week, and I'm taking care of her by myself. But you know what, I'm not complaining, simply put God says, 'You take care of the people you love, and God will take care of you. And thats all I need to focus on. And on top of that my moms in good health, THANK GOD..!

    But I also want to have a career to be proud of and have the financial stability to have a family of my own some day.

    There's only one professor at my school knows Avid like the back of my hand. But school is out and for the summer my goal is to at least understand and know the simple basics of learning Avid and to edit my my films on Avid for now on until I graduate. I will be the only one at my school learning Avid Media Composer. But I just don't want to be one of my classmates out there, still looking for a job. I want companies to see what I've done with Avid relating to editing my films and know I am worth investing in.

    Just now a friend of minds walked in the room at school, where I sometimes come to look up info like yours here on Avid on youtube. And when he read what I was typing he just said, 'asked the lady is it possible would she would like to be a mentor to you in learning about Avid. As well as preparing oneself for the film industry. So I'm thinking…WOW..COOL..

    So the question is does the icons I talked about are fine as long as I see the actual icon to work on. Also is there a possible chance that you could be a mentor to me in learning about Avid, and learning from one of the best regarding editing films for the film industry.

    If you would like to help a future film maker, actor, writer, producer and director. I would really appreciate ALL…..the help I can get. I can share my work with you of what I've done so far at my school. And get help from someone like you with hands on experience from the industry whose worked with many great editors can help me improve my work.

    What you shown in this youtube clip I was inspired to simply wanting to know more…
    If you can help, you can email me at: state@collegeforcreativestudies.edu

    Thank you,

  4. Thank you for that! Im working now in a TV News Channel but im having some kind of speed problems with the journalists. I come from Trailers and Documental where you have more extended and creative time. What woud be your advice to boost up my editing time? BR

  5. Thanks for posting. The video you are cutting, with the editors being interviewed, looks interesting- where can I view it?

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