在Final Cut Pro X中加快編輯速度-3個簡單技巧

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  1. Hi. i've got an iMac2017… Its very fast but after few months of using FCXP my FCPX become very slow… Its not possible to work on editing without creating optimized media :/ and it was so smooth before… Any idea what happened with my FCPX?? Outside of that software I can slide the same 4k videos smoothly

  2. COPY PAST IN THAT WAY IS SO MUCH SLOWER. you can reduce the time by cmd+c on top of a clip and after you select the other and you past them with cmd+c+v… and the colour correction to avoid problems I make a separate line where is all my colour correction and after you just have to drag on top avoiding problems that sometimes happen by double the colour correction. just few tips for you man. have a nice day

  3. compressor is better in this case, even the default compressor preset setting in fcpx can suite most of the regular audio recordings

  4. I think when I try to use the demo of MBP 13 2017 in Apple store in my town and test the 4K editing in FCP why is so smooth even with full timeline, and I'm not think twice to get the MBP. Aaaaannd why I try in my MBP the video is choppy drop frame like shit, now I know they using transcode media, SHIT!

  5. If I already edited the material (optimized/ original) – can i still transform the edited files into Proxy – because right now my mac doesn't let me work on my project anymore since it requires too much….

  6. I always find myself leaving a tutorial if the person does not get to the point quickly. I don't care about what is going on in that person's life. Not trying to be mean just giving a little feedback.

  7. People bitch about the fact that FCPX doesn't have a tracker BUT for 50+USD you can get Motion 5 and there it has one. Can you show the workflow for working with FCPX and Motion 5 especially with DropZones?

  8. Ommmmgg why couldn't I find this video a few days earlier! lol I almost gave up and finally got it and then just found this after finishing ? but anyways this is a great video thank you for these tips ❤️

  9. Hi how did you do that cool text editing in the beginning where it says "Speed up your editing work flow #1" would really appreciate it if you get back to me with any help. Thank you as always.

  10. For some reason, my FCPX is very slow. I think I did not set up my library correctly and have a lot of "stuff" on FCPX which is slowing the editing down a lot. Can you have a demo on how to clean up my FCPX so I can edit as fast as I see everyone else on youtube do? I have a large screen desktop with 16 Ram, so it should run lightening speed, but it doesn't. Thank ou

  11. an even easier way to get around pasting attributes is just have an adjustment layer. just have it on top of all clips, drag effect once and it's on all of them

  12. Thank You So Much!! This is going to save me a lot of time while editing since my computer always has to load and making the files into proxy files will save me at least an hour of waiting for stuff to load (I hope). Always learning new things in final cut pro- such is the life of a new youtuber. Once again Thanks!!!

  13. holy hell i was wondering why my exports were low quality. I didn't know that if it was set as Proxy, it will export the low quality proxy as well. Good to know! Thanks Rob & Jonas!

  14. "When transcoding proxy files your computer will probably also create optimized media"??!!

    What complete and utter BULLSHIT. Who exactly told you to make these videos?? You have no clue!

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