
如果您想訪問我的私人指導小組並直接與我合作-http://www.highstatuscommunication.com這是一部自助視頻,它基於數十年來在個人發展和內在方面的「手肘」經驗轉換場。 要體驗真正的成功,致富,變得快樂並發揮潛能,您必須做出決定,採取重大行動,同時專註於精神成長。 多年來,您以泰勒(Tyler)的名字認識我,但我的真名是歐文·庫克(Owen Cook),我相信我們在這個地球上的目標是發掘您的潛力並激發社會的震動。 我希望您從這裡學到的有關媒體操縱,社交調節和社會催眠的知識可以幫助您發揮自己的頂峰潛力。 該視頻的靈感還來自能源與動力與力量對決的Fred Dodson和David R Hawkins。 Eckhart Tolle,Bhagavad Ghita和許多其他精神哲學。 我希望您喜歡並使用它來促進自己的發展和個人成長,因為自助領域有許多類似的經驗,可以激發您的振動,並找到您自己的中心和基礎。 回來更多了! 。

  1. Super proud of this one. If you're interested in working with me personally and having me in your corner – http://www.highstatuscommunication.com – you've got to be ready for a pretty high level of achievement and success if you're going to do that. I'm relentless and rip your skull open and get you furiously pushing to your highest potential and awareness. Ready to wake up? Click the link if you want to see what's behind the curtain. I shot today's video in the middle of a 5 day seminar I was running. Just shot out while Marczell was doing some inner work on students to shoot it, and knocked it out.

    A few interesting notes – if you watch my eyes closely, you'll see I BLINK as I come in and out of various "levels of energy" that I'm demonstrating. If you see closely, you'll spot it, and you will learn. Also of note, I'm running the end segment on the Golden Gate bridge in BITTER COLD with windchill. I am indifferent. I attribute this to a mix of Wim Hoff style cold plunge, but also, simple mental focus. That's why the clients are stupidified by the end, since their brains are frozen. Seeing me do all this, I hope if provides you a simple example of executing a video while on days of minimal sleep and massive work, as well as in the cold. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

    You can see how my body in the earlier clips is younger and leaner, but my mind is not nearly as strong. Those clips were by far my best speaking back in those days, and I'm struggling through it. These days my mind is sharper and stronger, my energy level is far higher so it is mostly effortless, but at the same time I need to get back into shape. Most of my bad shape came from the past years on the road, and re-building an 8 figure business that I tore down (all lead-magnet videos, live events, digital products, websites, and forums … ALL DELETED, which left me with nearly nothing) and I rebuilt a company under all your noses in under 24 months. Got hit with a challenge, stepped up, and crushed it.

    But that endless cortisol and sleepless nights left me in poor physical shape, so with covid lockdown I've blown around 10K on a gym and work out daily and am hitting back into shape. You'll see that in the coming year. Anyway hope you enjoyed the video, and this is one of my all time favs. This should be an absolute life changing video if you watch it a few times and let the lessons land. Back with TONS MORE this upcoming week, both here and my other channel, and I'll see you soon! -Tyler

  2. What if the system around you fell apart? What』s if there was no one to buy your products or experience your hypnosis? Would you find that you invested in yourself or a conditioned image of yourself? Owen, did you abandon your self in that cabin, in the Canadian wilderness, all those years ago?

  3. Awesome, very enjoyable and of course "Wake up," – OC. I love the inspiring surroundings Owen has been doing his recent videos in, makes you think of the W. Shakespeare quote, "The world is my oyster," and his music choices are pretty sweet. Gives us all a more rounded character of him.

  4. Owen if you're not aware of Nascent Iodine/ atomic form iodine you MUST experience the level of PRESENCE and awareness and aliveness and focus and alertness and this feeling of "I'M HERE" that it affords you when you take it. I relate to you on everything including the health aspect- gensing, herbs, vitamins, minerals etc. One of the most astounding things I take is Nascent Iodine. It sheds so much clarity on my own pursuit of higher levels of consciousness and presence. Its like it "wakes you up." You gain higher being, higher self, higher consciousness. If you think your level of presence is stellar, this shit will make it astral. No exaggeration. Its called Detoxadine. Get suhhmmm

  5. I like that Owen learns from so many different philosophies and gurus and recycles that information in a creative and engaging way, whilst coming up with nuggets of his own creativity.
    Most other people talking about these topics merely just repeat what others teach.
    See you in January at the LA 4-Day Seminar! ?

  6. Your videos are your legacy ahh? So you deleted most of them, both here and on rsdfreetour. I think I'm not the only one disappointed. How could you trash years of great content that was still helping thousands of people? I really don't get it. Even if you felt it's time to move to the self-help niche, why don't you leave those videos out there?

  7. You're an incredible manifestor and speaker. I'm super into the direction you've been taking things, it's real and solid in what is a very confusing time for many. People need this more than they know. It's okay for us to finally come forward with our jedi superpowers, we've hidden them long enough. It's time. ?

  8. Great video I'd like to see one on retaining and internalizing this way of thinking as it's always been a struggle when everyone and everything is feeding you negativity and fear pushing you to fall back into the negative lulls of life. Maybe I should tattoo Owens face on my arm with a text bubble "JEFF YOUR BEING PATHETIC" as a reminder haha

  9. We're going to have to start aggressively red-pilling society soon about the coming 5D reality. It's coming either way and we might need to just start advertising it like a soft drink. I'm launching something soon to do just that

  10. Everything feels sooo overwhelming, I'm from the Philippines and man the things I see on my news feed are just so full of toxic people now, and it really dissapoints me that this is the world I'm in right now, and I just feel so powerless, but whenever I watch one of your videos, you give me a peace of mind knowing that there are people out there that aims for higher consciousnes and really just puts me at ease, thanks so much owen!

  11. When Owen starts singing at 0:30 I flashed back to reading the book The House of the Scorpion based around a young boy who is the clone of a wealthy evil old man who pretends to be his loving father. One day the boy finds out that he is just a series of clones made from the DNA of the old man and that eventually he will be harvested for organs to keep the old man alive even though he is hundreds of years old. The boy realizes that his life of comfort is just an illusion, and chooses truth, even if it comes with pain. He relishes it, because the alternative is live a life equivalent to livestock.

    There are billions of humans on this planet, so many in fact that the value of human life has become quantified in terms of money. Yet in the entire universe, there never has been and will never be again a consciousness like YOU. Your potential is limited only by the time you have left on this Earth. You dictate who gets this priceless resource by focusing your attention. Like waking up from a long dream, there is a moment of INSTANTANEOUS revelation when you realize that you were dreaming. You then are faced with a choice. Simply do nothing, and continue to bathe in a comfortable womb like reality. Or jump to your feet excited to be alive again.

    Inaction is as much of a choice as action, the good news is you can choose to wake up any time.

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