DAYS N DAZE的20個問題(第11集)

每周訂閱新的朋克搖滾視頻! DAYS N DAZE的Jesse + Whitney在instagram上與Erin Micklow一起直播了20個問題! 如果您喜歡此劇集,並且希望發送提示,請在Days N DAZE MERCH + STREAM上購買新專輯「 SHOW ME BLUEPRINT」:https://daysndaze.net電子郵件:[email protected] Venmo ERIN MICKLOW,電子郵件地址:@ erin-micklow有興趣在我的頻道上宣傳您的品牌/產品嗎? 電子郵件[email protected]! 在INSTAGRAM上關注Erin Micklow:像在FACEBOOK:上的Erin Micklow一樣在TWITTER:上關注Erin Micklow。

  1. Hey Erin, thank you for introducing me to Days n Daze. Don't know how i never heard of them before. Anyways they are such a great band! Love your videos and i think you are great. Keep being you. Cheers : )

  2. leftovercrack was over and finished for ever in 1997 the summer david and tyler where shot and dumped in a bog by the mafia and joe disappeared and was replaced by umbrella stars hariate team leader that was 1998……. I found that out about joe last week…. tyler and david were twin the shotting happened in there back yard as they were running and they feel into the bog as they were shot…… there bodys washed up in the florda keys 2 years ago and their house was in Havelock Ontario Canada….. some bogs are tunnel suck ye in one place spit ye out 20 years later……..

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