使用jwebsocket和jWebsocket-Server的本機Android App上的Websockets

在視頻中,您可以從我的教程中看到有關如何在本機應用程序中使用websocket連接的示例。 在本視頻中,我使用來自jwebsocket.org和jWebsocket-Server的websocket客戶端庫。 簽出:http://www.lauridmeyer.com/2012/06/creating-a-jwebsocket-client-for-android-using-eclipse/。

  1. Hello, how are you doing?
    Can you help me?
    I'm trying implement any project WebSocket client into native android application.
    Have you any sample about this project? i'd like to implement a simple project between WebSocket Server and Native client into android but i have doubt on android implementation.

  2. Hello, i would like to know if I can create an android websocket server (Not Client) compatible with jwebsocket client script.

    device <———– html client.
    Thank you

  3. Thanks, have to try this out 🙂 Unfortunately the Android Browser doesn't support websockets 🙁 So I'll have to write an app or use AJAX…

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