拉格納特·辛格(Rajnath Singh)的俄羅斯訪問:印度敦促俄羅斯加快S-400導彈系統的交付

俄羅斯聯邦國防部長拉格納特·辛格(Rajnath Singh)參加了定於6月24日舉行的勝利大遊行。拉格納特·辛格(Rajnath Singh)還將與俄羅斯龐大的軍事工業區的所有關鍵人物會面。 預計他還將敦促俄羅斯加快S-400 Triumf反導系統的交付。 迫在眉睫的是中印邊界緊張局勢加劇。 #RajnathSingh#俄羅斯#IndiaChinaFaceOff印度還希望加快S-400防空導彈系統的五個系統的交付。 這項耗資54億美元的系統的第一批設備計劃於2021年下半年交付,立即訂閱「今日印度」以獲取每天的新視頻,並確保啟用「推送通知」,這樣您就不會再錯過任何新視頻了。 您需要做的就是按「訂閱」按鈕旁邊的BELL圖標! 今日印度電視台是印度領先的英語新聞頻道。 「今日印度」 YouTube頻道提供有關政治,商業,板球,寶萊塢,生活方式,汽車,技術,旅遊,娛樂等的最新新聞視頻。 請繼續關注印度和世界各地的最新消息和深入分析! 從印度第一新聞視頻發布者下載移動應用程序:https://indiatoday.app.link/zKoSVVDrnP關注我們:官方網站:https://www.indiatoday.in/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/IndiaToday面子書:https://www.facebook.com/IndiaToday。

  1. If the Brahmos is sophisticated and superpower than the S-400, then no problem. War is easy for those who own a super missile and fighter jets. Russia is still a superpower today due to its powerful missile and fighter jets. The absence of the S-400 in India today is not a wise thing. This era is not a sword fight. Writing as a patriot, but not criticizing.

  2. Mr. Rajnathsingh looks beautiful.. He is so charming.. The dress fits good as like aishwarya rai. He will continue to stay in Russia to maintain it. Mr. Rajnath stay there till you get s400. Come with it or stay there as guest, cause here you don't have any work rather to plug the nails.

  3. Russia says no S 400 for india because we cannot go against our beloved partner china.. Further more Russia says don't come between us next time and that's the great warning to Rajnath singh

  4. whatever Russia got, China can buy and then make a better version, this is why Russia got nothing to sell to China in the last 5-10 years. This is why China's military purchase from Russia has been decreasing dramatically. Don't talk about S-400, as it's already in China's pocket and China knows how to play with it. I would prefer to believe India has grown stronger with high tech weapons developed on your own or when the US start to take Indian weapons as a game changing set or start to compare your LCA fighters with F22, F35 or F16, otherwise it's a joke. When some senior officials of Indian navy try to rent more Russian submarines, I cound't sop launching. Okay, let's call it a day today! Cheers!

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