Days N Daze-我們生活中的Days N Daze [Official Music Video]

Jak Kerley / Shibby Pictures在田納西州納什維爾拍攝的 | | @ShibbyPictures **這是在我和Days N Daze在路上時在納什維爾拍攝的。 雖然我通常會遠離「電影人度過快樂時光」音樂錄影帶,並著眼於更刻意的事情,但是與這群人在一起總是很有趣! 他們的專輯《 Crustfall》令人讚歎,您絕對應該聽聽它。 當我們四處旅行時,我們會不斷吐出一些想法來拍攝東西。 我們想做些輕鬆,愚蠢的事情,不需要任何樂器。 經過一些研究,我們在納什維爾找到了一個有趣的公園,足以讓我們在那裡拍攝。 我們試圖說服他們免費讓我們這樣做,以換取推廣他們,但是他們沒有,所以我不會告訴您這個地方在哪裡。 **回想過去,回到美好的日子,我意識到自己是糟糕的日子,我實在是太hammer了,以至於看不到清醒的時刻真相大白,從前我真的以為你是我們的朋友但是事實證明,你是一個黑洞,你一直消費,直到什麼也沒有剩下。你把自己的不安全感投射到別人身上,這讓我他媽的噁心,我們所做的就是付出和付出,而所做的一切就是你告訴我們你關心我們是個他媽的假貨在你的眼睛裡造成你的耶穌基督是的,我很確定CH你讓我瘋了你讓我喝酒我希望你把你的車開到懸崖上你自我痴迷了,在你分手後我變得更好了讓我發瘋你把我從腦海中甩出來如果是在和你在一起生活到死亡之間,我最好還是死了。我真誠地希望我們的路途再也不會穿越。我不想說,但是我會覺得這很有趣。被雨淋住了,或者如果你超高了,去買幸運符當你倒 我們自己一個碗所有棉花糖都消失了每次彈吉他時我希望您打破A&G每次您找到40盎司它充滿我的尿尿我不想說我希望這些東西在您身上但是您應得的,因為沒有借口成為這樣的超然和卑鄙的人我們所做的就是付出和付出,而你所做的一切都是接受你告訴我們你關心我們。

  1. These crusty gutter-punks should actually do something impactive about their feelings, like write a book. Nietzsche inspired Naziism! What a feat. These dudes singing here are disgusting lol, I like their lyrics tho

  2. Saw them with Leftover Crack in Mesa a couple years ago and Jessi was out smoking a cig, he was so fucking down to earth and cool as fuck. I literally can't wish them more love

  3. Fun fact # 435: You CAN get a DUI driving go carts…. and when you call your boys parents to get him outta jail, theyll think youre fucking with them and he'll spend 3.5 days locked up while you bang some random Irish girl so you have a place to stay. She'll boot you when she figures out you dont know her name after 2 days….. in your defense, it makes perfect sense to assume the name on all the mail would be her name- it wasnt. So yea, dont drink and kart.

  4. This video is adorable. a fun contrast to the song which is needed, because as much as I love the music it can really bum me out. So now every time I play this song and any of their songs I』m going to picture these 4 smiling and laughing having a good ol time

  5. Just got burnt out of $300 of rent and half a $400 power bill by my best friend who I help get a job with me and moved him into my pad when he needed a place this is the most cathartic I felt all day

  6. I've both drank AND sung on stage with you cuties! How have I not heard this song until tonight?

    It's been to long. Y'all look healthy and happy. That's all I need to enjoy the rest of tonight. Cheers!

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