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  1. If you read Batman comics from 1941 to about 1964, the Adam West TV series was very faithful to that era.
    Batman as we know him today, started coming into being the 1970s, well after the Adam West series had finished. (NOTE: NBC seriously looked at commissioning a fourth season of the Batman TV series but by the time a positive decision was to be made 20th Century Fox had already torn down the stage sets and NBC didn't want to fund the rebuilding of those very expensive sets sets.)
    The 1970s are when the character became grimmer, more dark. Before, the character was like that for about the first 18 months of his existence (1939-1941) in the comic book series (Detective Comics first followed by the originally quarterly Batman comic book) but it was toned by the editors because of concerns about the impact on children and avoiding controversy of the likes that hit in the early 1950s.
    Batman is so dark now that I actually appreciate the 1960s TV series more than I did when I was a kid. It has a sense of fun to it that the monthly comics lack almost completely now. They had about the right balance to the comics in the 1970s which was also captured in the 1992-1995 animated Batman series.

  2. Holy Awesomeness, Batman! ? Absolutely loved this!! I used to watch the reruns everyday at 5 pm. I would totally lose my mind when the intro showed Batgirl on her motorcycle because that meant she』d be in the episode. You were sooooo lucky to get to see this exhibit. ?

  3. I wasn't around for the original Batman either but, I watched it after school and during the summer.
    Unless I was at my one Aunt's home visiting because she thought Batman would lead you down to a path to sheer violence.
    I loved my Aunt but, I thought that was Bull and funny.
    She had no children and was very sweet but, very odd.??

  4. Knew every item on display. For anyone that didn't notice, the costume with the lamp attached to the fedora, that was "The Bookworm" brought to life by the incredible Roddy McDowall from, among many other things, the original "Planet of the Apes".

    I also noticed that, on the list of characters in the display case, do you think there was a reason that Leslie Gore aka Pussycat was the only one with the actor's name listed first? It just caught my eye.

  5. An interesting tidbit about Joker actor Ceasar Romero. He wore white face makeup, and the moustache actually is real. He refused to shave it off for the character. Personally, I think it added to his performance. Many people think it's a cheesy show, but I definitely enjoyed it and the many stars who performed on the series, as I enjoy your vlogs! You should check out Hollywood Graveyard channel in your spare time, Aurther Dark is excellent at coming up with little tidbits about the people he visits. Keep up the great work Jordan!

  6. Got to watch Batman when it came out in 1966 Cesar Romero The Original Joker was my favorite character in the TV Series and generally the Joker was my favorite Movie Character as well. A DC comic character that has a long history like Superman.

  7. I liked Catwoman (Julie Newmar) Meow….from the 60』s tv show I like the way she portrayed her! Great Batman exhibit ?? thanks, Jordan ? see yea next time jah ?????

  8. Ka-pow!! I just found this Gem!! So cool, Whack!! Boffo!! I grew up watching the original series when I was five, cool to see this Dude!! WHAMO!!

  9. I have a copy of the Bill Adler's Letters to Batman book shown in one of the display cases. If you're curious as to what letters are in the book, they can be found on the message board of the 66 Batman tribute site started by David Sutton back in the 90's.

  10. Hahaha. I remember feeling so torn watching Julie Newmar. Thinking, "this has got to be one of the most beautiful women alive", and at the same time feeling how can she be so evil! Ah, the mind of an 8-year-old.

  11. This was great. I was 8 years old when Batman first aired. From then on I never missed an episode. Great memories, Thanks Jordan and Adam, you guys are the best.

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