
SPA入門工具包https://github.com/xmlking/spa-starter-kit此演示演示了如何在斷開連接的情況下使用退避策略自動重新連接WebSocket端點。 展示如何使用新的ES6代理API和注釋來實現JavaScript面向方面的編程(AOP)。 。

  1. very interesting! but couldn't access code as link don't work anymore. Could you please resolve the problem and let us know? Thank you in advance!

  2. The question I have is:  Does your JS setup follow what Spring Framework does?   Is it compatible with Spring Framework?    As I understand it, Spring Framework takes care of the retries and othe things.   If somebody is not using Spring, then your setup is great.

  3. Hi Sumanth!    I like your work.   It's very usefull for me.   I am writing a new application that will use AngularJS and WebSocket in the Cloudo.   I am just creating prototype of server in Java using Spring Framework and the client web browser.   I will  recreate your environment because it closely resembles what I want to do.    Can  we stay in communication if I have some questions?   Send me an email:  [email protected]

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