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  1. I can't believe how much damage Dixie,Hogan and Bischoff have done to that company!!! It was so good in 2009 and after that it all went to shit!!!

  2. The fact they are on Pop Tv should tell you enough.

    WTF is Pop TV I can never find the channel when I do want to watch it. I loved TNA during the Team Canada and Planet Jarrett days and even watched it during the 4 years I stopped watching WWE(2008 till 2012) but what is the point of watching when you know the results 2 months in advance and can't even find the channel to begin with.

  3. I have no issue with GFW/TNA/Impact the company. For the workers there who bust their asses, I hope the situation improves, so they stay employed. However, I can't stand the people in charge. Ed Nordholm seems like a delusional clown. What he's doing to the Hardyz with the Broken gimmick is nothing but pettiness. The way he talks in interviews you can tell he has zero knowledge of the wrestling business. Like Jeff Hardy said, Billy Corgan should have been the buyer instead of Anthem. He actually cares about Impact and he has a passion for the wrestling business unlike Ed Nordholm. It would be a shame to lose another wrestling company even if I am not a fan of GFW, but I don't see how they last much longer if Anthem aren't making any profits. I doubt anyone else will be willing to keep the company alive at this point if it doesn't work out with Anthem.

  4. I love GFW/TNA. But honestly, I watch Impact each week knowing this could be the last time I see the show. I know one day there will be an announcement they ceased operations. And more then likely it will come on a weekend in the dead of night with a whimper.

    Much like ECW, AWA and the other territories. And soon maybe Lucha Underground.

    But until then I continue to watch. It's like watching a new TV show that only you watch and you know that it won't last past it's first season. But you watch anyway because your hooked.

  5. I don't care for GFW nowadays. I tried to watch the product, but it's so damn boring. However, if this alleged network has TNA archives dating all the way back to 2002, I'll pay for it just for that.

  6. My experience is that most of TNAs "defenders" are fake accounts from the company. That's why they rarely sound like normal people. Most of the stuff they say is contrived. IMO they turned off the real TNA fans with their dishonesty a long time ago.

  7. I always wish the best for this company because through its worst times in the wrestling business, they have survived so many battles. With Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff, they're deal with Spike falling, and all there idiotic decisions. So I tend to support this company anyway I can. But the wrestling fans always have to have a hate boner against this company even if it rebrands itself. That it seems kind of stupid at this point. They lost all their top stars the last four years and they are still not dead. I give props to Global Force. Hope all comes well for the people at Impact!

  8. The sad thing is if wrestling overall died today I wouldn't be sad. I been watching for 30 years and never seen it in such a bad place as it is now, it's like watching a loved one on life support, you love them, you don't want them to go but you know it might be better if they passed away.

  9. First of all, Impact did have money problems. So? Some people got paid late. So?  Next, Roode probably didn't leave due to Money Issues, Roode probably left due to a stale booking routine. EY left due to money issues possibly. Aries… well Dixie didn't like Aries, let's be honest. AJ Styles, the ONE GUY who DID NOT LEAVE due to money issues, and this is VERY VERY WELL DOCUMENTED. AJ styles left on the poor treatment of Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels, and the departure of Jeff Jarrett. Next, oh do you want me to go over the times that Meltzer basically LIED aobut Impact wrestling? How anbout the time that the INTERNET said TNA is dead after 2014, or after 2015, or after 2016, or after 2017? How about, MATT HARDY IS GOING TO WIN IN COURT AND MATT HARDY WILL CAUSE GFW TO CLOSE AND MAKE ANTHEM BANKRUPT? Even now, how about AFTER it was announced that the Global Wrestling Network is coming out and their tape library will be on Global wrestling Network, the news that Impact wrestling is gonna be sold to WWe and Anthem is looking to sell their company and want out of the wrestling business? So these were ALL TRUE? Next, So Kevil Sullivan saying that they are not selling is untrue, but DAVE MELTZERa person WHO BASICALLY WANTS IMPACT WRESTLING TO DIE, saying it is true? someone like sports illustrated saying that when they don't even work there, that makes it true? Who is the wrestling dick sucking sheep now faggot!Next, it is OBVIOUS, ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS that you don't watch Impact wrestling, coz if you did, then you'd know very well that the pop TV extension deal came out BEFORE the sports illustrated report. Impact announcing the Global Wrestling Network came out WEEKS BEFORE the sports illustrated deal ON THEIR IMPACT SHOWS!!!So no, I still believe (with evidence) that there is possibly something click bait-ish about ALL of this. Just wait you little bitch, let me get on my camera and make a video about this stupid ass narrative of yours. Listen OTRSCentral you're a flaming FLAMMING FLAMMING!!! FAGGOT! And just this video, …. just this one, I will call you out for all this fucking ass backwards bullshit you spewed over here.

  10. true the hate GFW gets but for WWE to get better they need competition otherwise they have no reason to get better want another golden age of pro wrestling suppport all the pro wrestling companies

  11. Also, the rumors are just more ammo for the critics out there to vilify GFW over their stupid decisions they've done years ago. The GFW detractors are still holding grudges. I'm not one of those GFW fanboys who pretend that everything in GFW is great, but I'm also not one of those haters who pretends that every single thing GFW does stinks either and have a bias disposition towards them just because of their management and watch WWE only. I agree that GFW should be a lot better than it is. Even though it is completely irrelevent to this discussion, lest we forget, you could argue that WWE needs to be held to an higher standard as well, but from an creative standpoint (and yes people criticize WWE all the time).

  12. Global Force is garbage and they have absolutely no stars. They need to get cancelled or sold off already, they produced zero talent. WCW was the REAL competition to WWF, not TNA/GFW. It's a disgrace to say that the shitty anthem show is "2nd biggest wrestling company in America".

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