12聖誕獃獃-史蒂夫·艾文斯(Steve Ivings)

聖誕喜劇。 我對此很陌生,因此請在您的評論中保持友善。 當我在Youtube上聽到這首歌的錄音時,我發現它比較靜態,因此是第二次嘗試,因此希望第二次嘗試可以,並且它具有原始唱片封面的圖片。 我沒有發現很多這樣的東西,所以我想我會試一試,經過幾次嘗試終於做到了。 希望您喜歡這個70年代後期的老式聖誕節模仿。 無侵權意圖。 。

  1. Thank you, so much, for posting this. I keep forgetting the name of the artist, and then can never find it again. And this is the first time I have heard it since it played on CKOC in the late 80』s. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for posting this!!! I have been looking for ever for this recording!!! However, I thought it was Rich Little that did the recording. This is fantastic!!!

  3. Steve: Thanks for posting this ! I too have been looking for it for years. It was a part of our Christmases. Now I can share it with my kids ……who I'm sure will find it odd, and mildly amusing.
    DO ANOTHER ONE !! (update the celebs of course)

  4. I've been looking for this for years!  I guess the last time I heard it was the late '70s or very early 80's, and I've been telling my kids about it for years.  Happy to finally hear it again after all this time!

  5. it turned out fine during the making of the clip but ended up like this… I would have to dig the record out again ( I have one side scanned already) out of my numerous records though but I can do that for you. It might take a month or two (or more). My bro has graciously given me another box of 45's to do which will take a while. We'll keep in touch…

  6. I'm sure a few people still have a copy of this gem. I personally think it is a goofy "must have" at the Christmas season to offset the craziness that comes with this time of year. Thanks for making it!

  7. I recorded this back in the late 70's I think….and haven't heard it since then. I'm glad to know somebody bought a copy. Too bad most of the voices are obsolete but time marches on. Thanks for posting it.

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