
記住發獃拖車HD -2008-。

  1. Fun Fact: This is directed by Jess Manafort, daughter of Paul Manafort who was recently convicted on 8 counts of tax evasion and bank fraud. Also t'rump's campaign manager.

  2. As someone who graduated highschool in '99 I thought this movie was terrible. Really just God awful. Oh yeah, and while Dazed & Confused is a phenomenal movie (one of the best 90's movies ever) the generation the movie represented (mid-late 70's) were not the parents of the kids who graduated in 1999. My parents came of age in the 60's as did 99.9% of my friends parents too. If you want a great movie which better represents the late 90's look no further than American Pie or Can't Hardly Wait. Now those are two hilarious movies that portray the late 90's perfectly.

  3. This is one of my all time favorite films and because of it I have decided to name my mixtape after it called "Remembering the Daze". I infuse clips from the movie in some songs & follow similar themes. For some reason this movie pinpoints my adolescence in a way no other movie or song could which is why it will forever hold a place in my heart. If you're a fan of this movie I'm sure you'll enjoy some songs on my upcoming mixtape. You can hear some songs on my channel and hear it in full on 4/20/14. Thanks 

  4. The only reason I liked it is because it had sort of a Dazed and Confused feeling to it…Which is what they were going for, Dazed and confused is a classic. I also liked some of the actors in it. Without those I probably wouldn't have liked it. I didn't think it was completely terrible though like you say.

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