GFW最新消息:Johnny Mundo,Taya,Rey Mysterio等(全球部隊綜述)請訂閱

請訂閱並在Twitter上關注我。前WWE洲際冠軍John Hennigan(John Morrison,Johnny Mundo)將在即將舉行的紐約Tri-州地區。 Hennigan目前擁有AAA Mega頭銜,AAA拉丁美洲頭銜和AAA世界輕量級頭銜。 自2011年離開WWE以來,這將是他在TNA或GFW下所有品牌的首場比賽。現場賽事將於8月4日在長島,8月5日在史泰登島和8月6日在康涅狄格州的布里奇波特舉行。 票務信息和演出的全部詳細信息可以在此鏈接上找到。 Hennigan的首次亮相是由Jeremy Borash在公司電話會議上宣布的。 他還宣布,來自AAA的Drago和來自Lucha Underground的Taya也將進行現場活動。 Borash後來透露,Dave Crist和Jake Crist兄弟將很快來。 它們在印度語中被稱為「愛爾蘭空降兵」或「俄亥俄州是4殺手」,這是更受歡迎的名字。 他們將不會使用OI4K名稱,因為Borash表示他們的名稱將會更改。 Borash還指出,Impact在印度吸引了超過300萬電視觀眾,而最近在英國,公司中的女性觀眾人數很高。 JB補充說,Slammiversary的按次收費在英國表現出色。 。

  1. I want to see GFW/Impact become their own product and not imitate other promotions. Signing other talent is great because it keeps the product fresh, but when it becomes all about featuring talent from other companies, it doesn't last long.

  2. I disagree with you KOTM Radio the WWE is not the one who should bid a lot of money for Rey because they are now going through cost cutting measures at the moment and it would be stupid to pay a lot of money when they claim they are trying to cut costs to save money on their shows. Don't get me wrong I love Rey Mysterio  he is great  but he would better in GFW IMPACT  they would also care more about him and treat him with more respect.

  3. After the live action I think even more then before that we overestimate what we think of as drawing power. I mean do you really think that had sold so many more tickets with say El patron on the card? I don't think so. The reason for that being conditioning. You know when people say that Vince literally conditioned his fans against WCW? Well guess what he conditioned everyone. Everyone is pro WWE or at least thinks that they are doing right and if you are different 99% will not watch

  4. I think its a wise decision to scout wrestlers down in Mexico, many luchadors can make a impact in GFW, some luchadors I would love to see would be Dr. Wagner, Pagano, Psycho Clown and maybe, maybe it could be possible to being back Judas Mesias

  5. I think it is great for GFW Impact because it will increase the live attendance most likely and bring in more revenue. I hope Johnny Mundo or Morrison or Hennigan and Taya show up in the Impact Zone after the live events. I've been a fan of John Morrison since his WWE days as well as Rey Mysterio. I hope Rey decides to sign with GFW even though WWE will offer more money so it's up to him I reckon.

  6. Seeing as how GFW Impact has been doing well with the female viewership in the UK, it would be in the company's best interest to begin an all women's tournament that, unlike the Knockouts Knockdown One Night Only PPVs, will actually be featured on Impact and incorporated in the main TV storylines. Also similar to the ongoing Super X Cup, they would include actual international talents from around the world to participate. Considering all these working relations Jarrett's been forming with all these different wrestling promotions, it's not entirely far-fetched.

  7. NO SHIT I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED This year I just got into Lucha Underground. But YES! Even this, just one appearance would give Impact more attention.

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