Douchebag通知我他有碳山地車(GFW 1235)

我大約在715PM騎著我的MTB在周五去TGI吃晚飯。 大眾汽車公司的這個麻煩,他有必要告訴我他的MTB是碳纖維。 嗚嗚嗚嗚 2015年5月11日更新:一個小時前,我在當地的Dunkin Donuts遇到了這個傢伙。 當我向他展示此視頻時,他突然感到抱歉。 我還得到了他的車牌,現在已經將其編輯為視頻標題。 據這家Dunkin的助理經理說,這個白痴每天都會來,聊著一場大遊戲,並且總是將他的垃圾丟在桌子上而不丟棄。 集體行為。 。

  1. Who would own a carbon fiber bike frame anyway? Disastrous when and if the frame breaks. Douchebag fat armed azzhat who has no friends.

  2. There's MTB'ers, then there's people that buys a 6 – 10K bike cuz it's the "top of the line", but ride at the local urban bike paths….. probably like this guy (in the vw). I can't stand people like that. Give me a freakin' hardtail steel v-break rig and I'll proudly ride it until the wheels fall off.

  3. I've seen this guy 3 times now but always with the bike one the car. He always tells me how I'd buy him a steak dinner if he were to take me to the trails in Vermont that he rides. It's hard to get a word in and when you do he already knows that…. Oh and he hates fat bikes apparently lol So glad you got this on video

  4. That's just weird.
    In the words of Velominati "riding light bikes is fun, but they don't make you go faster, pedaling hard does that"
    If the twat thinks he's got a great bike he needs to get out his car and ride the damn thing.

  5. The guy is notorious in the area fro spewing nonsense about his bike and how the local riders ride tame trails and he rides gnarly shit. He usually injects some comment about hooking him up with hot woman. The dude is off his rocker.

  6. This is really funny. I have a hard time understanding what would possess somebody to stop their car in the middle of traffic to brag about what material their bike is made of.

  7. That is literally the biggest douche bag I've ever seen in my life. He's like a character out of some sort of teen movie like American pie. holy shit

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