
歡迎閱讀加速吸引力法則的7本最佳書籍! 這部影片會很有趣。 在過去的三年中,我已經閱讀了200多本書。 一些書多次。 與新書相比,重讀GOOD書可獲得更多收益。 請記住,您的潛意識僅受以下兩種方式之一的影響:情感或重複。 因此,在此視頻中,想給您7個我認為很值得重讀。 這是關於靈性,吸引力定律,顯現等的七本書,我保證您以前從未聽說過! 不,「秘密」不在這裡。 使用這7本書來加快表現力和吸引力定律! // 3種免費禮物來提升您的氛圍:1️⃣免費課程「吸引力法則在行動」如何表現,重新連接您的潛意識,並獲得吸引力法則以在您的生活中發揮作用(強大)➡https:// www.refusingtosettle.com/lawofattraction2️⃣免費期刊問題:改變生活的11個問題➡https://www.refusingtosettle.com3️⃣最好的程序,可以使您的潛意識重新建立聯繫,以實現RAPID增長和終生改變:➡https:// jakeducey.mykajabi.com/a/4215/ociFDpxn(免費演示)//最佳課程:加入My Best Journal 2.0課程,並使用這種6合-1日誌記錄的「怪異」方法,在10-每天最少:: https://www.mybestjournal.com準備好創建自己的強大的早晨儀式了嗎? 加入Morning Ritual Secrets計劃,並在早晨做這些「怪異」的事情,以在7天之內永久改變您的生活:➡http://bit.ly/MorningRitualSecrets準備開始您自己的賺錢的youtube頻道,並影響數百萬人? ➡單擊此處免費培訓:https://bit.ly/RTS-FREE排名前7的書:章節0:00 OSHO 1:20不受束縛的靈魂3:17致富科學5:28 Paramahansa Yogananda 6:58打破自己的習慣7:55吸引力定律9:22現在的力量10:30您的免費禮物! 大想法:大多數人年齡增長,而不是成熟。 「年齡不過是個數字」,所有人都知道25歲但卻像8歲那樣戰鬥的人! 或關注比大多數屈曲,自我,競爭(IG FLEX)還不成熟的文化。 成熟是真正的目標-要有自我意識和自信,才能走自己的路。 由Dean G親自推薦給我的,後者由Tony Robbins推薦給他。 大想法:您不是您的想法-超越自己。 使思想沉默,而不是擺脫它。 大想法:您必須按照一定的順序/方式做事才能致富! 您對您帶來的想法。 稱宇宙為「無形的物質」-競爭思維和創造性思維是對立的。 利用創造力(豐富性)創造財富。 必須給予比您更多的報酬(即工作中的員工被低估(錢,知識,學習,欣賞)的價值被低估,然後離開!史蒂夫·喬布斯在葬禮上給所有人一份。將每年重讀一次。推薦給Paramahansa Yogananda的作者:著迷!故事驅動。強烈建議在Audible上購買此玩具!您可以在此處免費獲得它➡http://www.audibletrial.com/Refusingtosettle(會員)3.打破自我的習慣-喬·迪斯潘扎(Joe Dispenza)博士談論腦波,存在狀態,變化的量子觀點等所有內容,閱讀它,您會發現過去幾個月來從那裡獲得了大量內容/想法!2.吸引力定律-亞伯拉罕·希克斯(Abraham Hicks)撰寫像Q + A格式一樣。著眼於吸引力法則的3個部分:LOA,刻意的創造科學,允許的藝術-與三角形一樣重要1.現在的力量-Eckhart Tolle過去/現在是LIE。現在就在這兩個地方體驗。未來的自我-對孩子的指導 租自己// //提及的資源和視頻:➡10大想法:打破做人的習慣https://youtu.be/f_i79Zn98dc➡10大想法:成為超自然的https://youtu.be/OYTT781yoIQ➡10大想法:現在的力量https://youtu.be/3_l-EovGdnA➡關於音頻的免費書籍:http://www.audibletrial.com/Refusingtosettle(會員)➡最佳吸引力法則//潛意識的播放列表:https:// www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2LyGQJuIOzCCsZaT3rCpegEUQOMOlapY(觀看此視頻)在IG / Tik Tok上關注我:➡@clarkkegley #LOA #THESECRET此說明可能包含附屬鏈接。 如果您決定通過其中一個購買產品,我們將不收取任何費用收取少量傭金。 我們不提倡廢話(不幸的是,那裡有很多東西)。 只有我親自使用過並付費的產品和LOVE! ✌️

  1. Roses are red violets are blue. I smashed the like button and you should too! What videos do you want to see more of? Filming today/tomorrow for next week.
    1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL)
    2️⃣ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life
    3️⃣ Best program to rewire your subconscious mind for RAPID growth and life-long change:
    https://jakeducey.mykajabi.com/a/4215/ociFDpxn (FREE demo)
    Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day:
    Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ http://bit.ly/MorningRitualSecrets

    Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: https://bit.ly/RTS-FREE
    ➡ 10 BIG IDEAS: Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself https://youtu.be/f_i79Zn98dc
    ➡ 10 BIG IDEAS: Becoming Supernatural https://youtu.be/OYTT781yoIQ
    ➡ 10 BIG IDEAS: The Power of Now https://youtu.be/3_l-EovGdnA
    ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: http://www.audibletrial.com/Refusingtosettle (affiliate)
    ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2LyGQJuIOzCCsZaT3rCpegEUQOMOlapY (binge-watch this)

    Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok:
    ➡ @clarkkegley

  2. Anything written by Neville Goddard. Feeling is the Secret. At your Command. The Power of Awareness. The Law and the Promise. The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden is a good one too. Bruce Lipton has authored some good ones too. Great content Clark! Keep going.

  3. As cliché as this may sound but the best book ever written with law of attraction inspiration is the Bible… many of the principles are biblical based. Mathew 21:22 if you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

  4. YUSA , read the book YUSA , life changing book in my opinion better than any of these books. YUSA written by a young man who went on a ayuasca retreat came back and wrote all his knowledge. Go to amazon write in YUSA the guide to the body mind and spirit. Beautiful book unbelievable knowledge goes much more into depth about the law of attraction and certain frequencies of accessing the midbrain section of our minds.. allowing us to create known as 「SUPER THOUGHTS」 super thoughts are upgrades that create and speed up our creations with using emotions. The mid brain activation will have you speechless I tell you, you will literally be aware of every thought u think, you will always find solutions. You will always evolve and level urself up everyday change ur habits change ur eating and protect ur energy in a much higher frequency that I honestly think these books have never taught I』ve had read all of em and YUSA is the most powerful book ever

  5. I would have to say "Power" by Rhonda Bryne basically talks a little bit about The Law of Attraction from "The Secret" however it dives more deeply into the power of Love and expressing that in itself is a Frequency and the power you put out is the power you'd receive definitely a Good Read!!!

  6. For those who enjoy the Untethered Soul or Eckhart Tolle: I Am That Nisargadatta Maharaj, Letting Go by David R Hawkins, the Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer

  7. My favorite are Untethered soul and Letting go – David Hawkins.
    But to be honest, they are not about the law of attraction at all but about transforming ego into your real you and so transform your life for the better by changing your overal vibration aka level of consciousness.
    Also The power of now.

  8. The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn ALSO, a rare book I came across quite mysteriously in a charity shop (You call them thrift stores in the US), called 'In Tune With the Infinite' by Ralph Waldo Trine. I've read both these books numerous times!!! Powerful, vibrational raising books!!!!

  9. I have watched a few video of yours but I don't know why the hell do I trust you!!! I mean my gut trusts you and I cannot reason why. Also you give me immense hope.
    BTW amazing ??? content and exceptional delivery always.
    Namaste ? ?? Brother

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