
大家好,歡迎回到另一個視頻。 在此視頻中,我們將向您展示提高RV互聯網速度的最簡單方法? 通過安裝Proxicast嵌入式Mimo天線,您將發現RV網路的下載和上傳速度有所提高。 訂閱以下我們的頻道:無盡的RVing YouTube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCokX6YIQymfsKSJvqo9dGEQ?sub_confirmation=1如果您要購買TPMS,我們將為您提供市場上最優惠的RV TPMS系統。 在此處查看我們的TPMS審核視頻:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuIRmO4R7uM&feature=youtu.be使用折扣代碼:ENDLESSRVING20,並從任何TireMinder TPMS系統中節省額外的20美元在此處獲取輪胎TPMS系統:https http://innovationtire.com/特別感謝ERV內幕人士:唐·布魯德(BayStar)古斯帕卡(BayStar)湯姆和米西諾瑟姆(Baystar)馬修·克蘭福德(Matthew Star)(荷蘭之星)李·霍頓(荷蘭之星)安妮·克魯斯卡(Anne Kruszka)(荷蘭之星) Patti and Joe Horner(荷蘭之星)Michael Grace(荷蘭之星)Larry Munds Jr.(荷蘭之星)Tomas Gallardo Sr.(荷蘭之星)Chris Knablin(King Aire)Matt的房車評論(King Aire)ERV INSIDERS是您的機會與Endless RVING親密接觸。 加入我們的3個會員級別之一,即可獨家訪問Endless RVing,並幫助支持該頻道。 King Aire級別還允許我們將10%的會員資格捐贈給MJ定期與之合作的當地動物救援活動。 我們希望能在內部看到您!一定要在每周四晚上7:30(美國東部標準時間)參加無盡RVing,以觀看每周直播。 在這裡加入:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCokX6YIQymfsKSJvqo9dGEQ/join檢查我們的網站以獲取最新的無盡新聞,博客,併購買令人敬畏的贓物:www.endlessrving.com務必在每個星期四加入無盡的RVing美國東部時間晚上7:30晚上進行每周直播。 我們的亞馬遜商店與所有項目ERV一起使用,並且已經過審查。 這是獲取優質產品和支持渠道的簡便方法:https://www.amazon.com/shop/endlessrving下面,我們通過Amazon Affiliate Links鏈接了視頻中討論的內容。 什麼是亞馬遜會員鏈接? 這是您幫助喜愛的創作者的一種方式! 使用我們的鏈接不會花費您任何費用,我們將獲得少量的銷售收入。 這是雙贏! 我們提供信息,我們的時間和我們誠實的意見,無論如何您都購買了想要去的東西,並通過我們的鏈接告訴我們謝謝! 下面的Amazon Affiliate鏈接:Proxicast低調Mimo Anetnnae:https://amzn.to/37OPq7s Dicor自流平搭接密封膠:https://amzn.to/37OPq7s電線釣魚工具:https://amzn.to/3hMtb6Z螺絲刀設置:https://amzn.to/2YmdX0v多用途潤滑脂:https://amzn.to/2YYPvkV準備好的所有清潔劑:https://amzn.to/2YVjydv 1英寸橡膠墊圈:https://amzn.to / 3doUelp用來拍攝視頻的設備:SONY A6400相機:https://amzn.to/2RWsxt1 SIGMA 16MM F1.4 DC DN廣角鏡頭:https://amzn.to/2NqV1Ij RODE VIDEO MIC GO LIGHT:https:// /amzn.to/2RsF6um DJI RONIN SC GIMBAL:https://amzn.to/2RqzksU幫助支持無休止的旅行渠道,並在我們的商品店提供一些很棒的無休止的旅行袋。 https://teespring.com/endless-rving-swag-store?pid=46&cid=2740請在INSTAGRAM,FACEBOOK和TWITTER上關注我們@無休止的評估。 我們將繼續不懈地努力,以在YouTube上創建最佳的RV內容,因此請在下面訂閱,喜歡,分享和評論,並查看我們的其他視頻。 您的支持有助於我們成長,並使我們能夠接觸到更多的RV社區成員。 謝謝大家對頻道的持續支持。 IZZY,MJ和JASON。

  1. Nice video and great information. You pointed to your router which was white – I thought you had a black MOFI4500? Did you change?

  2. This type of antennas are great for RV use. For most people this antenna will be good enough for all of their needs. I have a good omni directional antenna for WiFi signals and this looks like a great option for cellular. Great job on the video as always. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Izzy you are a RV/technology GENIUS! We are going to have to watch everything again when we start our internet mods. We are working on our storage, black and grey tank line ramp mods now. It』s amazing what you know about??

  4. Thank you for showing how to install the antennae. Good placement of the router by the opening of the cabinet. I have to tell people all the time to treat the router like a sprinkler head , the more open it's placed ,the better the range.

  5. Hi Izzy! I wanted to let you you did a great job showing how to do internet hook up in a RV. Great job!? I want to hire you to hook mine up when I get an RV. It』s good to know how to do it. If you want fast internet. That』s really nice to be able to know and have while you are camping. Thank you so much. Say hello to MJ for me! Sherri Weber

  6. That looks pretty sweat. Gives me an idea for a upcoming project I have for internet with my TOGO ending soon. May have to look into this antenna. Will go good with my next setup I think. Like the way you ended up installing it as well. Well done y'all.

  7. Thanks for sharing! We are dealing with bad connections now. I am certainly going to check out you Amazon Affiliate page to see the information on this add on! Safe travels guys!

  8. On our patrol vehicles we had antennas like that. We used to call them hockey pucks. Hated the GPS function because it let the brass know our location, lol.

  9. Looks awesome. I was hoping it would replace the TV antenna that doesn't do anything. I like that setup. Definitely a little cheaper than the antenna you had on the ladder.

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