
在此視頻中,我們通過2種方式通過Websockets檢索比特幣價格數據。 首先,我們使用wscat從命令行接收信息,並將價格數據保存到文件中。 其次,我們使用JavaScript在Web瀏覽器中接收信息。 。

  1. Thanks for this amazing series, I started watching your coinview videos yesterday and I learnt a lot!

    Not sure why but i have an issue with the command you are running at 10:06 in order to store data in a .txt file: when i type "wscat://(…) | tee dataset. txt" it won't run and tells me "tee" is not recognized (?) I am completely new to node.js. Do I have to install a package with npm to make it work?

  2. Found your channel yesterday and started binge watching everything! As someone curious and very new to APIs, you're easy to follow and very thorough in your explanations. Happy to be a new subscriber.

    I'd be extremely curious to see if you would be able to utilize APIs to build an options flow stream, similar to accounts like @optionshawk and @cheddarflow on twitter, where they detect 'unusually' large options orders. I think it may be doable to detect unusual flow for a select number of specified tickers (but I'm not so sure how you would be able to track the flow of every single optionable stock).

    If you'd consider this as a potential project, here's a link to @optionshawks 'Methods to My Madness' explaining the basics of what he looks for in a large order –

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