為什麼TREVOR LEE是影響力最好的東西(Steve評論GFW IMPACT WRESTLING 7/20/17)

商機! http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/goinginraw從史蒂夫(Steve)推特上購買史蒂夫: Instagram上的/www.twitter.com/johnwaynelacey史蒂夫http://www.instagram.com/mfstevehere Instagram上的萊西http://www.instagram.com/johnwaynelacey Snapchat上的史蒂夫@mfstevehere。

  1. I like it when Eli Drake acts like he is smart when he clearly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. His character work is top notch especially his facial expressions when he looks clueless.
    The X Division is a good enough reason to watch. The matches they perform is what 205 Live should be doing.

  2. When I went there were like 30-40 super fans and the rest were people (like myself) who just wandered in the podunk venue to watch some wrestling because they had nothing else better to do at Universal. You could tell a lot of people didn't know any of the storylines, so no one really cared about the matches unless they got good.

  3. Its gonne be a terrible look for Impact if they are actually turning Del Rio into a face. I just stopped watching all together until that scum bag is off TV. I know they couldn't cut him from this crop of tapings but I still refuse to watch.

  4. Moose Eddie EC3 and Drake was a Fatal 4-Way, are you a writer for GFW Impact now Steve???? Ha ha. I like how "invested" in the show you are , Larson has an "I told you so" waiting for you!!

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