[NEW 2017] 如何使FIREFOX更快! 極大地提高了性能。

了解如何使Firefox更快,響應速度更快,崩潰更少。 瀏覽器將變得更加敏感,並且切換選項卡將立即生效! 每晚下載:https://www.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/channel/desktop/插件兼容性報告程序:https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/add-on-compatibility -reporter /信用:Freepik的縮略圖上的Speedomoter圖標來自Mozilla的www.flaticon.com FireFox圖標。

  1. I don't know, I've always found that Firefox slower on my mac than on my Windows 10 PC. From launching to opening multiple tabs, on Windows it's instant for me. On my mac it doesn't feel snappy, it feels like it's doing one thing at a time, despite its new technologies. Safari is pretty fast though, but I don't use it.

  2. All I did was add on 8 processcount, and it works faster. I didn't have to use the nightly or other extensions

  3. yes veryslow for me this new firefox and my blood shoots up every time it freezes on me, i preferred the old version really! i don't know why they called it fast! is it bec i have W 7?

  4. The Add-on Compatibility Reporter is not compatible with my version of Firefox 😀 😀 😀 Great video though. You helped me a lot ^^

  5. Firefox is pissing me off big time. On November 14, 2017, Firefox updated itself when I turned on my pc. Firefox removed two of my addons: download videos, and mp3. When I tried to reinstall them I have to agree to let Firefox: ( Note #2, NSA, CIA and FBI)

    1. Access all my data for all websites.
    2. Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox. (what programs?)
    3. Access browser activity during navigation.
    4. Download files and read and modify browser's download history.
    5. Access browser tabs.
    6. Input data to the clipboard

    I'll never give you another donation stinky Firefox. And if you remove the 'block ads' I'll get rid of you for good.

  6. I followed these instructions the other night and it was SO much better….but a few days later, the problem is back….What should I do now?

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