
1331孟菲斯洛克n靈魂博物館-孟菲斯TN-約旦獅子旅行視頻博客(20/11/7)單擊訂閱:http://bit.ly/SubDazeWithJordanTheLion捐贈:https://www.patreon.com/jordanthelion貝寶捐贈:paypal.me/jordanthelion使用我的Airbnb代碼,即可獲得40美元的首次冒險優惠。 我得到20美元! 這是我的邀請鏈接:https://abnb.me/e/qnGgEfAAoQ亞馬遜列錶鏈接:https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1EPZ5PLM8PPGZ郵件-我沒有郵政信箱或郵寄地址。 請不要將我的郵件發送到我已發送視頻的地方。 簡介動畫片,作者:Jeff Block(YouTube-Cre80s)簡介音樂作者:-84 Nash「 Sandful Of Hand」,「 Cinnamon Block」和「 Megatroid In Megacity」 www.dazewithjordanthelion.com。

  1. Awesome Jordan! I really love that your adventuress not afraid to go any where nor try whatever
    You make the most of what you do with a good friendly attitude
    Have fun , love to Jah

  2. Thank you for the shout out, Jordan. 🙂 It's not much, but I really do appreciate your vlogs. Thoughts are with you, re the latest news in the Presley family. Being in Tennessee lately…can imagine how this hits close right now.

  3. Loved the BBKing Blues Bar. I ate there several years ago during Memphis in May. Really cool event. Not sure now, but at the time they had wrought iron horse & buggies with dogs accompanying the drivers.

  4. Hi Jordan a museum gem done so well ! To be able to see this during this crazy time is amazing! It』s unbelievable the depth of the music there !

  5. I have been homeless twice and despite the fact that I am fighting to not be homeless again, I will help out. Anyone can become homeless!! Would have anyone with a stuck up attitude to go spend their ass on the streets for a day or two!!

  6. Motown was slick.precidse showbiz. Stax was pure feel and raw soul. Motown would have cleaned Otis up so he could play Vegas. Stax let Otis be Otis. That's the glory of Memphis forever

  7. Jordan, Thank you so very, very much for doing this vlog!! I absolutely loved loved it. It didn』t matter at all that most of the town was closed down. I loved the museum! It was packed with so much interesting things. Like those giant signed guitar picks. And Charlie Rich』s necklace and belt, gorgeous. You do such an amazing job of describing each and every item. I appreciate your time and dedication! You do deserve a break. Time to rest up and give Jah some Daddy time. Believe me I have two that are twelve and I wish I could turn back the clock. Same with you』re Grandpa. Sounds like he』s developing Dementia. I lost my Mom to it.
    It』s a horrible thing. I』m sorry I』m rambling. If you ever want to talk symptoms, what to expect. Or just need someone to listen PM me. I worked over twenty five years in the Medical field as a Certified Medical Assistant . God bless you and Jah. Thank you for the happiness you bring to so many people. You da bomb!!!

  8. Jordon, Could u look into doing a vlog on the Silent film museum in NILES CA.I think it was once the studio of BRONCO BILLY,also the DUNSMIRE HOUSE IN San Leandro where they filmed BURNT OFFERING starring Betty Davis.I think U will find both very interesting…. JC

  9. Dear Jordan you may already know, Lisa Presley』s Son shot himself in the head today. TMZ just released a notice. I think I know who』s going next to Elvis. He was Benjamin Keough , He was 27

  10. Yaasss Jordan, please keep showing me menu descriptions, i love seeing what dishes, menu's and food descriptions are on your travels! That meal looked delish!

  11. Thanks Jordan! Oddly, even though im subscribed and clicked the bell, your vids don't show up under my subscriptions??? Very Strange

  12. That is Pauls brother in that photo next to George playing with his group in the neck ties. that is Mike Mccartney two yrs younger than Paul. Interesting photo…did know they were promoting Mikes group in the USA. He never made it big in the USA but, did alright in the UK.

  13. I saw the great Ruth Brown perform in New York in her later years. She was in wheel chair and all but read the songs but it was a fantastic performance. Afterward she autographed her book for me. When I asked if she would please come back to Jazz Alley in Seattle she lit up, saying that it was one of her favorite clubs and told me to tell the owner to get her a booking. My brief time with her will be cherished always.

  14. Wonderful. I grew up across the bridge in jonesboro. Some family members had Elvis encounters. Yes I saw the Beatles in Memphis and in 85 saw and met Jerry Lee in a club on EP Blvd. I had seen Sputnik a few times. His female fans had a blonde streak in their hair. When I was a kid whit folks did not go to Beal st. Good job mr lion

  15. A. Schwab on Beale Street is another really rad place to check out. It's the oldest dry goods store in the city that survived all the hardships like the Great Depression. When others had to close, this store stayed open. Hopefully it will make it through the most recent one

  16. I just subscribed to your channel a lot of cool stuff is on here you get a chance pick up my channel the channels really cool stuff for you like it give you a thumbs-up like and I'm giving you a comment about your stuff and you have very cool, stuff on here

  17. Hey dude! If you find yourself around the chicagoland area, I own and operate an all vintage recording studio with a bunch of original and historical memphis recording studio equipment. I think given your love of vintage music and musical background, it』d be awesome to produce a recording session. Maybe a couple songs for your patreon members? If you』re interested, let me know!

  18. Loved this video Jordan. Really interesting to see some of the original Elvis items and other top artists items aswel. Brill. Thanks for sharing.??

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