GFW Impact 8.24.17評估| 山區之王播客

請在Twitter上訂閱並關注BQ,網址為。參觀山之王播客的家園,其中包括播客,博客和其他社交媒體鏈接。 由BQ主持的山王播客(King of the Mountain Podcast)對《 GFW衝擊》進行了積極而誠實的每周回顧。 KOTM Podcast不會給我們帶來負面影響,我們為那些厭倦了那些壓倒公司的粉絲們提供了一個社區。 您應該擁有和您一樣熱愛摔跤的播客! 我們不僅提供出色的《全球部隊摔跤影響力》評論,而且BQ還發布每周的視頻博客和重大新聞,這使GFW / TNA / Impact的粉絲可以關注。 這不是Meltzer,這不是Solomonster …這是山區播客之王。 讓我們一起享受《 GFW衝擊》吧! GFW Impact 8.24.17評估| 山區之王播客對決GFW金牌爭奪賽的熱火搜尋手手:伊萊·德雷克(Eli Drake)贏得冠軍頭銜。

  1. I fly off for some rodent hunting and you actually made the 1000 subscriber mark?! Well damn, BQ, you ought to buy a round of drinks for everyone just for the occasion! Jokes aside, let's aim for another 1000 and beyond! HOOT!! HOOT!! HOOT!! HOOT!!

  2. What would you guys think about Eli not getting someone like Rebel directly by his side but just Him and Siena working off of each other. Not even in a romantic angle but just because they are bad ass and both heels and they could talk each other in to the ground.

  3. I also liked how they made all the wrestlers look important in the gauntlet and the right guy won. I hope laurel can move on from the grado storyline and get in the world title picture.

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