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  1. Just like heroin

    It can't be me, bring us to our passage

    Show me my new skin, so I can see what I've let in

    Standing here, my thoughts

    Low and sound hard to understand

    No one can ever bring everyone to see

    It's my time to fade, dying on the floor

    See myself as I am, excuses are just excuses

    Just like heroin

    Just like heroin, yeah

    Just like heroin

    Just like heroin

    It's my time to fade, dying on the floor

    See myself as I am, excuses are just excuses

  2. Спасибо вам, ребята. Вы создали очень качественную иллюзию того, что все хорошо и он продолжает жить и петь. Мы этих песен не слышали. Для нас это Честер не из прошлого, а из 2020

  3. i shall say it again… you boys done not just chester proud, but yourselves and collectively ALL of your fans. so much care and love felt in each track… a beautiful and emotional journey.

  4. For everyone that wonder's who's doing the "high pitch" scream it's Chester, it's being manipulated by a plugin that changes the formant (resonance). Changing the formant means you can still be in the same tone / pitch / key.
    Check a explained video on youtube if you don't understand 🙂

  5. Это потрясающе. Он так близок нам потому что ВСЕГДА был настоящим. Каждая эмоция искренняя и прожита. Именно поэтому мы росли, сопровождаемые его голосом и чувствовали такую по-настоящему личную связь и понимание. Всегда в сердце

  6. Al principio me decía "Suena a Dead By Sunrise" luego al 0:22 veo a su compañero y vocalista de banda, Ryan Shuck a la izquierda. Excelente tema ??

  7. Who』s screaming at 2:10 into the song? That』s not Chester! If it is, they messed with the voice. Don』t believe me, go back and listen to the original.

  8. The Guitar at 1:05 makes this song so much better. The part where sing "lying on the floor" haunts me cuz i start to imagen how he maybe felt in the last second of his life. This + Morei Sky where he sings "If I had a second chance…" so much regret he maybe had and so much regret we have that we lost such an amazing artist.

  9. This album is honestly the highlight of my year. It』s bittersweet though. I miss Chester so much. I never got to see him live and I only lived 2 hours from him.

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