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  1. I love the entire album. Different sound from LP. Chester would of been brilliant alone. He has a voice of an Angel. His voice touches you deep in your soul. 4ever in our hearts. ???

  2. This one of the hardest tracks for me to listen to. His voice going from soft high especially screaming makes my chest tighten up. It brings me back to the day I heard the news. I had just watched "Talking to Myself" video before work, then go to my car during lunch break and TMZ is telling me he's gone. I wish I had appreciated his time here more.

  3. Such a talented young man that left this world too soon . I've heard alot of music and I grew up in the 60's and 70's and after hearing this album it's unbelievable the way you can feel the emotion and power in the vocals .R.I.P. Chester .

  4. This… this might be my FAVORITE rendition on this album… i am sooo proud of you guys!! Never let the most AMAZING vocalist in music be forgotten!!! I miss him soo much !! Rest in Peace Chester!!

  5. Love Chester, the band and the song. Would love to know what people think the meaning is. My guess is a woman who leaves a trail of broken hearts, but I am curious what the river part is. Maybe river of Styx? Lol I have no clue

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