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  1. This supposed to be a hit of the year…if he was still here, singing it live on stage, with her. This could be a rock ages coming back to the charts ? Love this song.

  2. Criticize me as much as you want, but please, STOP PROFITING on CHESTER, he's gone, he can't defended himself or his music, but yeah, Linkin Park was a profiting kind of band, I'm going back here to 2000andmygrannywashot and say "LEAVE CHESTER ALONE, LEAVE GREY DAZE ALONE" this song is great in the original version, no need to do a "new release", for nothing else besides capitalize even more Chester. This song is around since 1994 on "No Sun Today" album, leave it be, he did. If you love his music, if you love Chester, just unlike this sheit their are doing with his legacy please.
    This is not for fans, this is to keep Linkin Park relevant and keep profiting.
    F*** this Sheit.

  3. Chester you broke our hearts in 2017. It didn't have to end like that. I'll never understand how you can place that burden on your family. I wish you could have seen things more clearly. However with time I don't want my memory of you to be what happened at the end. You helped me through hard times and were a voice for many of us—you screamed so we didn't have to. I cherish what you meant in all of our lives, but I can't hold on to those darker times any longer. The light of consciousness is a gift that I cherish and want to experience with my loves one to the fullest. I wish the same and the best for all the survivors, particularly his children. If you're depressed out there—-educate yourself and take care of yourself. You can re-gain that sense of wonder in your life if you truly search for it. Thank you to Grey Daze for this re-working of this song. It was beautiful. It helped me connect with some feelings that I locked away these last few years. Keep pushing everyone. Onwards and upwards.

  4. Why ?? Why ?
    Mike shinoda
    Don't speak for this ????
    Mike shinoda New album in july 10 ?? Mike shinoda say : ATENTION ATENTION :
    Unreleased song with chester in linkin park

  5. (What would you say to Chester now, if you met him)Is it supposed to be difficult to listen to his Music. Can't believe he's still not here miss his voice man I can't……

  6. I've been sharing these songs on the daily with my friends. Hats off, you guys did an incredible job showcasing the talent of our dear friend and reinvigorating this songs in a way that's striking and meaningful. I think he knew the potential of these songs and you guys deserve so much credit for making this an incredible album, not just for his memory but for yourselves. Thanks for this Grey Daze, I know this is going to help a lot of people heal and grow spiritually.

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