在秘密學會(科學)中提出-Pt 1 /簡介/「隔離發獃」

我的生活在一個以科學論論為基礎的家庭中長大,隨後得以逃生/康復。 有關更多信息,請查看我在Reddit上進行的最新AMA,回答有關該主題的大約一百個問題:https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/hl1aev/hi_my_name_is_doug_scott_kramer_and_i_am_a_los/另外,我的第一次採訪關於該主題,使用Echoplex媒體:https://youtu.be/HHlBnmACwg8在Facebook上與我聯繫:https://m.facebook.com/dougscottkramer Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/dougscottkramer/?hl= zh-cn我的代理人影片:https://www.facebook.com/dougscottkramer/videos/1037530865799。

  1. Thanks everyone for watching the intro and for your kind support. I honestly didn't expect many people to see this, so if I am found suddenly 'suiciding' myself you'll know who to blame. ?

    The next vid will be up at the end of this week. I wanted to first give an over-arching view of what I am going to be covering and who I am briefly.

    I plan on doing a video each week, starting with how Scientology was first introduced to my family and spread like a cancer – each successive vid will be about 10-20 mins long. I will be taking you through the step-by-step process of the entire experience.

    I hope my friends and family that I was forced to leave behind – those still remaining hostage to the cult – will see these vids someday when the time is right and we can reunite, that would truly be a miracle. 🙂

    I hope by sharing my experience it can help others to either avoid what I went though altogether, or to have the courage and resolve to leave the cult to reclaim their minds and lives back – and also to document what I personally witnessed and to tell the truth.

    This is something that has been weighing heavily on me for a very long time and remaining silent on the matter doesn't really help anyone. Thanks again for the support friends. ?✌

  2. I sadly found out about this cult thru my job. I had no idea who these 「members」 in their matching uniforms coming in. The sad people I met, I tried help someone, and then I met some so gross & sick. I am so happy you are out & alive & finally living! ??❤️❤️❤️ take care of you and your family!!!!

  3. I came here because I saw you on Reddit. You have me hooked immediately in your first few minutes as your statement of that one day completely changing your mind is a great hook. Also fascinated because unlike many you say you, although a child in scientology, became a true scientologist as an adult. Much of what you have said so far is different from many other stories of ex scientologists so I am intrigued to hear your full story. I have subscribed and I will be listening to your story with real interest. The more that tell their story the closer we are to getting rid of this corrupt cult. We outsiders are appalled but at the same time intrigued as to what makes individuals be in this cult in the first place. It is difficult for us to comprehend and the more stories we hear from individuals the more we start to understand.

    Thanks for sharing it really is very much appreciated.

  4. Many thanks for posting. Hopefully there will be  many people that will listen. I have often felt that if one were to rewrite Revelations one of the four would be Lafayette a true criminal.

  5. Whenever a human being questions and frees themselves from the lies they've been taught, it is worth paying attention. Thank you for sharing what happened to you. Eager to hear more.

  6. What do you think of other religions that are less cultish(Christianity, Judiasm, Islam) because while I respect everyone's right to believe in what they like, I think all religion is somewhat of a cult.

  7. pt 3 was on reddit, thought id come back and watch the previous "episodes". It's fucked up that scientology exists but very interesting to hear about and you talk a good talk.

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