
目前,平均需要7天才能從亞利桑那州最大的實驗室Sonora Quest Laboratories獲得COVID-19測試結果。 但是該公司表示,隨著該州測試需求的持續增長,希望將時間縮短到只有兩天。 Mola Lenghi報告。 。

  1. Federal prison released some of prisoners because of covid,
    Trump sending kids to school? Coz his worry his re-election. Its insane

  2. Why is this a problem for these guys still, now, five months into its US spread when so many others are getting it right? What could the possible excuse for this atrocious performance be, and who will be punished for it given the the mass death of Arizonans the lack of ability to test and quickly quarantine has caused. Where's the Governor in all this, how could he reopen the state when there's abject failure to deliver timely results being perpetuated at this scale?

  3. The problem with testing is if you got tested 5, 6, days ago or even 1 day ago and it takes 4,5,6,7 day before you get the results and your test comes back negative well in that time you could be positive and have contacted the virus will you were waiting, they need to find away to test and get results immediately and still you could still get the virus so taking a test without the vaccine is costly and solves nothing except to know how many people are infected right now but it doesn't mean the people that test negative wouldn't be positive the next day.

  4. Hello USA, Luv from UK…
    As urgent as it is to find a magic cure for this sick stupid killer virus,
    It is important to get it right first time with NO side effects, please…. God bless you all
    Stay safe dear friends

  5. For testing to be of any value (beyond statistics) results are needed within minutes. What good is a test if it takes 2 – 7 days to obtain results??

  6. People do nоt die from Covid-19, but they quickly die from quarantine and from wearing masks.

    In Wisconsin, mаny died from quarantine abolition? No оne has died. Everyone survived!

    Those who wear a mask quickly die from pulmonological diseases.

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