
蘭新鐵路是中國西部地區的第一條長途高鐵,連接甘肅省省會蘭州與新疆維吾爾自治區首府烏魯木齊。 自2014年投入運營以來,該線路已為2017萬乘客提供服務。 它為沿線居民擴大了出行的可能性。 #differentbutequal#蘭新#新疆在YouTube上訂閱我們:https://goo.gl/lP12gA在Apple Store(iOS)上下載我們的APP:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579 ?l = zh&ls = 1&mt = 8在Google Play(Android)上下載我們的APP:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv在以下網站關注我們:網站:https:/ /www.cgtn.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/cgtn/?hl=zh-cn Twitter:https://twitter.com / CGTNOfficial Pinterest:https://www.pinterest.com/CGTNOfficial/ Tumblr:http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/微博:http://weibo.com/cctvnews北京Tiktok:https://m.tiktok.com /h5/share/usr/6593878228716666886.html?u_code=d1kab7mki4ai6e&utm_campaign=client_share&app=musical&utm_medium=ios&user_id=6593878228716666886&tt_from=copy&utm_source=copy問答:https://www.youtube.com/%2%A douyin.com%2F8QTXhV%2F&redir_token = WkBScl40kZbx7ZwJ9M7QhhTjErx8MTU0NTcyMTg3N0AxNTQ1NjM1NDc3&event = channel_description 。

  1. The Chinese workers were used to build the Canadian and US rail routes last hundreds of years. This time China built his in a more impressive fashion. Good job.

  2. Not a single Uyghur in that video! It looks like one of those old colonial videos where the colonial power is showing off its dominance over another people.

  3. I love what china has become in 30 years because of visionary government who had patience to make things happens for chinese people. I wish, my country, India to become the same in at least next 20-30 years.. Good job, China…

  4. The chinese language just hurts my ears to listen to. It's so harsh and sounds like barking and spitting. I would have watched more of this video if it wasn't for that.

  5. 看看高鐵站附近那些建築,毫無檔次廉價感十足,一看就是偷工減料的產物,還都建的一摸一樣,真的太難看了。中國雖然發展快,但發展很粗糙,很不均衡,只求快而不注重品質,上面的領導重視的方面發展的稍微好點,不重視的基本沒人管,所以最後弄出來的效果並沒有西方國家那樣看著舒服有檔次。

  6. I travelled to Yellowknife Canada recently, apparently the aboriginal people living in Antarctica have to pay private flights 3000 dollars for one tank of gasoline because Canadian government didn』t even build roads for them to transport supplies. That is ridiculous, all the talks about respecting aboriginal people, but all they do is trapping them in the wild. Yet they think they can point fingers at what China is doing for Xinjiang.

  7. Only China can do it. Everything is massive whatever China does. Fast and efficient. The rest of the world can only eat dust. In 40 years time. See China what they accomplished. Amazing!!

  8. ?贊。。cheers for the Great Chinese rejuvenation under the Great meritocracy China certainly prevails against the mediocre suffrage democracy in USA and the West undoubtedly…..
    EU is busy for tackling the yellow vest protests.
    USA is busy for two stupid parties oppose to oppose

  9. I wonder. Is the decision by the Chinese Communist Party to put Uighur and Kazakh people in prison reformatories a response to the recent American practice of putting refugees on the Mexican border in chain-link fences? It seems like both Beijing and Washington are guilty of horrible methods of incarceration. Beijing is even taking children away from their parents and putting them up for adoption. This practice sounds like the sorts of barbarian practices carried out in the US and Canada towards native populations in the 1940s-1970s. In both cases, the governments were claiming to civilize populations by criminalizing their cultures. A high speed train is worthless if you are a barbaric government. You can go any speed you like, you are still barbarians if you use racist policies to put children and grandparents in prison. Is this Chinese culture in the 21st century? A disgusting parody of the Qin Dynasty is being carried out by Communist Fascist Guerrillas. The CCP is a digital monstrosity.

  10. I'm sure the trains use a lot of power, but when I saw the windfarms there, and that discussion about sustained high speed wind… you could almost imagine (maybe it's already happened) that the giant windmills make enough power for the train, and the whole electric transit system, including the stations and everything. That really does sound like The Future, doesn't it? Clearly energy isn't the whole cost of the system, but it almost seems like the tickets could be cheaper on a windy day!

  11. Nation Power! Here I am in the USA, I've never even SEEN a high-speed train! We're lucky to have any trains at all, for passengers. I like to ride on the train when I can, I often think "This is the last chance!".

  12. It's easy when you don't waste tens of trillions of $$ on prosecuting useless wars like USA did with Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc etc.

  13. China has 29,000 km of high speed rail, several magnitude more than the combined High speed rail of France, Japan, and Italy. USA has zero km, courtesy of the socialist economy, corrupt government, and socialist trade unions. Making America Great Again means USA continuously wages 7 wars ,; operates death- torture camps at Gitmo and Bagram,; and overthrows foreign governments.

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